An open letter to shops who have jumped off the Placebo Chronavirus Mask 'cliff'!

Locally, masks are not illegally 'required', but some Corporations have decided to Force the issue! Since I know the usefulness of these M-95 masks is almost Zero against a Very low grade contagion they call Chronavirus; and the risks of mask misuse is real, I wrote them a letter to explain why I would not be back!

Feel free to copy and use what you like from this letter. There needs to be a real economic consequence to Corporate Stupid!

To whom it may concern,

When I went to your store today, I was greeted with a “do not enter without a mask” sign. I do NOT shop at any store requiring me to damage myself with a placebo mask to shop there! That store will move to my permanent 'banned' list, as my reasonable response, since masks are not required locally.

Here are my scientifically based objections to mask misuse:

  1. The M-95 masks have a warning on their box stating that they do NOT work against the Chronavirus.
  2. According to research listed on the CDC's website, the M-95 mask is designed to interdict 95% of the pneumococcal bacteria that causes bacterial pneumonia. They also state that this bacteria is 1.2 to .5 micron in diameter, with an average of 1.0 micron.
  3. The CDC also publishes that the Chronavirus is 0.12 micron (Max) diameter.
  4. A filter that is designed to stop 95% of a 1.0 micron contaminant, will stop a 0.12 micron virus only by accident, and at a sub '1%' capture level.
  5. A mask forces the user to re-breathe their exhaust Carbon Dioxide. This causes shortness of breath, and results in a significant increase in tidal volume to gather sufficient amount of oxygen. This mechanically reduces the oxygen saturation in the blood which negatively impacts that individual's level of health.
  6. Containing breathing raises the moisture level in the lungs, which makes them more receptive to virus implantation. Combined with #5 above, mask use actually increases the chances of Chronavirus infection!
  7. This infection risk is higher for your employees who are masked for an entire shift!

YOU have the right to require masks, I have the Right to go elsewhere! I have been a loyal customer of your business; and I always fill the cart, it is sad to part company over an uninformed decision, made at a corporate level. This policy is costing you business (probably $100.00 today), you need to review and decide if this is wise.

A good analogy for this mask effectiveness is this. Take chicken wire, a ping pong ball, and a marble; drop the ping pong ball on the chicken wire, and it will be stopped. Now take the same chicken wire and drop the marble on it, and it does not even slow down. The chicken wire is the M-95 mask, the ping pong ball is the Pneumococcal bacteria, and the marble is the Chronavirus....

Is the Placebo mask use, worth the resulting loss of business? Is your business willing to pick up the medical costs; if someone collapses in your store, from mask restricted (by Your policy) breathing?

I will go without, before I smother under a mask; and put myself at significant health risk. I left your store today, when I saw this sign; and went elsewhere for what I needed!

I wish you well. I came to your store when Wal-Mart pulled some stupid stuff; so I will just need to look somewhere else, to fill my cart!


We must make sure they KNOW WHY they are loosing business; if we are to force them to make better decisions! Banning them, economically, and rewarding those who are smarter, will force the corporate Idiots out of business.

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