MUST WATCH: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Full Speech to a crowd in Berlin on August 29, 2020

MUST WATCH: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Full Speech to a crowd in Berlin on August 29, 2020


Different versions of the video exist with varying video and audio quality; the following one I find to be of good viewing quality:

Full coverage article post with pictures via - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace)

Dan Dicks from PressforTruth also recently interviewed fellow German journalist Max about the huge rally that took place in Berlin where millions of Germans partook in defiance against government tyranny. You can watch the video here.

Alternate video links of Kennedy's speech:

Other related video link (YouTube) on the day prior to the speech: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Powerful Pre 'Day of Freedom' Rally Speech, in Berlin, 28 Aug. (archived reference)

Another great quote from Kennedy in this speech [emphasis added]:

Seventy-five years ago, Herman Göring testified at the Nuremberg Trials. And he was asked: "How did you make the German people go along with all this?" And he said [paraphrasing]: "It's an easy thing. It's not anything to do with Nazism. It has to do with human nature. You can do this in a Nazi regime. You can do it in a socialist regime. You can do it in a communist regime. You can do it in a monarchy and a democracy. The only thing that government needs to make people into slaves is FEAR.

I think this particular passage pretty much sums up what tyrannical governments (or at least their handlers) are trying to do once again to enslave us all.

Kennedy also makes reference of their plans to further enslave us by entrapping us in new digital currency system.

Robert F. Kennedy is a true American hero.

God bless.


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