More protests and the discovery of anti Re-Open NC trolls

Re Open-NC is a group that is dedicated to fighting what we perceive to be injustice regarding the shutdown of life in North Carolina by our elected officials. They say (and likely believe) that the shutdown, social distancing, face-mask wearing directives that change every day or so, and the closures of small businesses is protecting life in North Carolina.

There are a large group of people who completely disagree with this notion and have from the start. We start to feel more and more that we were correct as we start to see more information that leads people to believe that the lockdown has not really even helped and the massive economic damage that it has caused can be seen in every industry including construction, which I work in.

Re Open NC is mostly just a social media group with tens of thousands of members and people who organize protests in open defiance of what we believe to be tyrannical rulings by our elected leaders.


Every week a growing number of people show up to the capital city of Raleigh in order to continue to remind Governor Cooper that we will not stand for this. Individual sheriffs and local councils have refused to enforce his executive orders and communities are standing up to government overlords all over the state. I have been quite proud of our fellow North Carolinians as they continue with this fight to restore our own economies in the absence of competent leadership.


While this situation certainly isn't bringing the country together, among conservatives and libertarians, we are joined together in this and I even know a few liberals who marched in protest. The government is not doing themselves any re=election favors by continuing their hardline approach when even their own supporters are marching with those that are normally on the other side of the political fence.

The trolls have infiltrated the REopen NC forums, especially on Facebook and I don't know who is behind it but they don't appear to have the greatest amount of intelligence behind their movement.


The "stay home, stay safe" Karens infiltrated a Facebook page called "Open NC" and wrote negative, 1-star reviews blasting the group for their spreading of Corona-virus... but there is just one problem. Open NC has nothing to do with North Carolina and if the morons who wrote these 1 star reviews even bothered to look at the posts inside the group they would see that every post is in French and it is related to New Caledonia. Their scathing, angry, misspelled rantings berate the evil people at OPEN NC, which is actually a non-profit in the South Pacific and has nothing to do with politics, Covid-19, and especially not North Carolina.

This is the level that these people will stoop to. If they had bothered to look at the page even a little bit they would realize they are in the wrong place, but in true Karen form they write a 1 star review of something, even though they are in totally the wrong place.

I felt as though the owner of the OPEN NC non-profit was very kind in his response to the idiots that were posting in the wrong place and I hope they have the good nature to remove their 1-star review. It is just funny to see the lengths that people will go to in order to score likes.

Anyway, I found it funny. In North Carolina we are reaching a tipping point as more and more local governments are refusing to comply. This included a speedway event this weekend where 4000 people attended and the sheriff, who is a Democrat but also an elected official, said his office would not attempt to stop the people from gathering in defiance of the Governor's orders. That's a guy who knows how to get re-elected.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks and more and more communities are defying state-wide orders and doing what they want. The fact that law-enforcement isn't even trying to stop the people from doing so in many instances is a good case for freedom and shows that our masters have lost control - and from my perspective, this is a good thing.

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