It's How Acehnesse Eats Scallop [Inilah Cara Orang Aceh Makan Kerang]

It's how scallops are served. (Inilah tampilan kerang rebus saat dihidangkan)

Scallop is one of many species of eatable animals. It has hard shell. One way to eat this by boiling it and it is called boiled scallop.

Kerang adalah salah satu dari banyak jenis hewan yang bisa dimakan. Kerang memiliki cangkang yang keras. Salah satu cara memakannya adalah dengan merebusnya dan disebut kerang rebus.

This is a cart of boiled scallop seller. (Ini gerobak penjual kerang rebus)*

Boiled scallop, a dish that is common for Indonesian society, especially Aceh. Dishes from these hard-shelled aquatic animals are usually sold in the evening. Start from 17.00-23.00 WIB.

Kerang rebus, sebuah hidangan yang sudah umum di lidah masyarakat Indonesia khususnya Aceh. Hidangan dari hewan air bercangkang keras ini biasa dijual sore hari. Mulai pukul 17.00-23.00 WIB.

This menu is very simple because it just needs to boil the scallop until cooked which is marked with its opened shell when it was boiling.

Menu ini sangat simpel karena kerang hanya cukup direbus hingga matang yang ditandai dengan cangkangnya yang terbuka saat direbus.

Sauce to eat boiled scallop. (Saus untuk menyantap kerang rebus)

Do not forget to eat this with sauce in order to make the dish be more delicious when it is eaten. The sauce is made from peanut and pineapple and taste fresh.

Jangan lupa menyantapnya dengan saus agar kerang rebus terasa lebih nikmat saat disantap. Sausnya terbuat dari kacang dan nenas dan rasanya segar.

For some people, boiled scallop is not appealing. But for me, this is one of my favorite menus.

Bagi sebagian orang, kerang rebus tidaklah menarik. Tetapi bagi saya, ini salah satu menu favorit.

This menu is sold Rp 10.000 per portion. As shown in the picture, boiled scallops are served complete with their shells.

Menu ini dijual seharga 10.000 per porsi. Seperti terlihat pada gambar, kerang rebus disajikan lengkap dengan cangkangnya.

We simply take the meat in the shell then dip it into the sauce.

Kita cukup mengambil daging dalam cangkang tersebut lalu cocol ke dalam saus.

Costumer were eating for boiled scallop. (Pelanggan sedang menyantap kerang rebus)

Make sure the scallop is boiled well, otherwise it will taste a little fishy. In Banda Aceh, this menu can be found in several corners of the city, such as in Setui, Peunayong, and Jambotape.(*)

Pastikan kerang ini direbus matang, jika tidak rasanya akan sedikit amis. Di Banda aceh, menu ini dapat dijumpai di beberapa sudut kota, seperti di Setui, Peunayong, dan Jambotape.(*)

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