Canna lily flower


hy stemians, this time i will post a beautiful and beautiful flowers. Flower beads are plants that belong to outside plants with the Latin name Canna lily.


This plant usually grows in forests and mountains though not infrequently used as an ornamental plant in the yard and city park, because it has a dazzling interest. I myself get this flower photo from the area where my friend. canna lily flowers are able to produce very beautiful and bright flowers may be because of the beauty of these flowers are often planted in the area of ​​the


garden off even for now canna flowers are already in use for the park area whereas in general rarely ornamental plants that can survive if the planting in the extreme garden And it turns out behind the charm of various colors kana flower has a remarkable healing power.


kana-flowers love sunshine with fertile soil elements even these plants can grow in various temperatures climate or plants that can live in the high and lowlands. Kana or tasbeh flower comes from the tropics of the American continent.


This plant is able to live in the lowlands to a height of 1,000 m above sea level. This plant grows large, erect, with a height of two meters. This plant has a thick rhizome resembling a yam. The leaves are large and wide, pinnate clearly. The color is green or red tengguli. Large flowers with bright colors, like red, pink, and yellow are arranged in the form of bunches.


in indonesia own flower canna lily has a different name different from every region:
• kana, sebe, kembang cau, cacauan, ganyong wana, ganyong pedestal, sebeh, jelly leweung, ganyong tasbeh (sunda)
• hosbe (batak)
• tasupe (ternate)
• tasebe flowers (makasar)
• nyindra, kembang gedang, puspa midra (Java)
• forest ganyong (melayu)
• milu-milu (bali)
• tasbhi (madura)
• kela, kontas, tuis, tasic, totombe, wuro (minahasa)



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