Pelaminan Aceh yang Meriah (A festive Aceh ceremony)

Pada pesta perkawinan atau berbagai upacara adat Aceh lainnya, biasanya berlangsung di atas pelaminan.

Latar belakang pelaminan Aceh didominasi warna utama seperti merah, kuning, dan biru. Kombinasi warna itu membuat pelaminan Aceh terlihat meriah dan menonjol.


Barangkali karena ingin mempromosikan pelaminan Aceh dan memberikan sudut foto yang menarik bagi pengunjung, Hotel Mekkah di Banda Aceh membuat pelaminan Aceh di lobi. Hotel yang terletak di Jalan
Teuku Nyak Arief itu sering diinapi tamu dari Malaysia. Mereka sering berfoto di atas pelaminan Aceh.

Terima kasih ya, atas perhatiannya.


A festive Aceh Ceremony

At weddings or other Aceh ceremonies, it usually takes place on a wedding.

Background Aceh plays dominated main colors such as red, yellow, and blue. The combination of colors that make Aceh's wedding looks festive and prominent.

Perhaps because he wanted to promote Acehnese funnels and provide an interesting photo angle for visitors, the Mecca Hotel in Banda Aceh made Acehnese tunnels in the lobby. Hotel located on Jalan Teuku Nyak Arief is often treated by guests from Malaysia. They are often photographed on the aisle of Aceh.


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