Inception Week 17 - Time


One of the hardest things when starting anything new is finding the time for it. This is because before starting we had filled our day with priorities we defined at that point.

We build our lives around our priorities and often leave no room for anything new to enter. The only option is to push something out to make room for our new venture. But how do we choose what that is?

We need to understand that we only have X amount of time in a day. How we spend that time will determine who we are in ten years time. So the first question to ask is: Is there anything in my daily routine that adds no value to who I want to become in the future?

If the answer is yes, then that is the first to go.....

So here is my recap for the week:


500M ( 100M & 50M intervals )
600M ( 100M & 50M intervals )


3KM ( Not timmed, Issue with app )
3.25 @ 19min 01s

In conclusion

The flu I had a couple weeks back knocked me but I think I needed the 'break' . I'll get back to where I was before getting sick and the forge forward from there. Thanks for reading.

Sincerely @builtinfire

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