Why young men become addicted to anti-impotence pills and what's the remedy

The evidence pile up. Many young men use medicines/drugs that originally were meant to deal with impotence. The reasons for doing so vary and are connected with their desire to satisfy their multi partners and be engaged in lots of sexual activities. It seems that using Viagra and such drugs has become the new fashion for clubbers or career businessmen who still want to prove to their spouses that they can "get it up" whenever they want to.


Credit: pixabay

It has always puzzled me why people choose death. Life is so amazingly beautiful, the earth is such a marvelous place to live in, but yet people choose to poison their bodies with smoking, excessive quantities of food, artificial or natural drugs, and now pills that their influence goes way beyond the physical arousal.

I am not a medical doctor, but I do know that any substance that is entered into the body affects it. Sometimes it is appropriate to shake-up things within the physical system and to remind the body about its natural capacities to rejuvenate and heal. However, any permanent use of artificial substances to alter a physical condition deprives the body its natural magical ability to function.

The use of anti-impotence pills is a false remedy for a deeper issue. When a man cannot have an erection it means that the inner channels between him and the soul level are blocked. When a man can't get it up it means that his connection with the upper levels is missing.

How clearer the message could be?

Unfortunately, instead of dealing with the emotional and spiritual issues men look for a fast and easy solution and take a pill. Their manhood does not allow them to admit there is a problem let alone look for solutions.

The problem is caused by false beliefs about intimacy, sex, and the self. People think that if they don’t have sex three times a night something is wrong with them, and their spouse would abandon them; that if they go through week/months/years of no sex then they are a failure. Sex is indeed a wonderful way for people to connect with each other, but it's overrated. Unfortunately, sex is used nowadays as a mean to measure manhood and power. When a man (or a woman for that matter) does not know how to relate to their inner divinity as a source of reference it must look for power elsewhere. The degree of functionality in the bedroom is one such place.

The biggest problem with consuming such medicines is that eventually, it alters the physical mechanisms of the body. There will come a point when the body will not try anymore to go within to revive the sexual energy because it will "count on" the pill. And, what happens when the human has not connected anymore with his/her inner soul? Death. The personality is "called back" because it ceases to please the soul. Therefore, its living is a waste of energy.


Credit: foreverconscious

Do I have a recommendation in addition to not using any pills? Well, it again goes back to being aware of yourself and your life. The "remedy" that I offer is not so accessible or tempting, because taking a pill that does the work within minutes is much easier than spending a lifetime in order to reawaken your inner soul. Swallowing a pill is much simpler than being engaged in a relationship with another human being.

But, remember! No pill will ever open for you the gates to the kingdom of love!


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