Power Spot "IFC S2R8"

The best thing about being a full-time traveler is that I get to see a lot of incredible places. I was pretty excited when I saw this week's IFC post about the Power Spot entry. It was Saturday night when I saw the post and my family and I had a trip planned to go hiking at the Kashe-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument the next day. The bad news is that I completely forgot to take an IFC dated picture while we were in that incredible place.

Luckily I can be somewhat creative when I need to be so for my power spot I have chosen...

The entire state of New Mexico!

Yes, that's New Mexico in the background... I promise!

We first came to New Mexico back in January of this year to start our seasonal work gig doing taxes with Jackson Hewitt. During our time here we've had the opportunity to visit some incredible places including Bandelier National Monument, White Sands National Monument, Petroglyph National Monument, and most recently the Kashe-Katuwe Tent Rocks National (you guessed it) Monument. Whew, that's a lot of monuments.

Here's a video that my wife Julia made of our adventure to Tent Rocks. I hiked through the canyon with my guitar slung across my back and stopped at two points and played an original song I wrote about 20 years ago. Join us on our journey of laughter, music and fun!

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