The Shivom project opens new boundaries in health care with Blockchain.

The Shivom project using modern technologies Blockchain seeks in the very near future to completely change the principles of building relations in health care and especially in the use of human DNA data.
The Shivom project will help users from all over the world to obtain as much information as possible about their DNA. In addition, each project participant will be able to share information about his DNA with other users. Moreover, each person is free to choose how he will share information with others. For example, data on your DNA can be sold or given to other users completely free of charge.

The concept of Shivom is built on the protection of personal data of all users, as well as their highest level of security. No attacker can access the Shivom platform database.
All DNA data is stored in the Blockchain system. Data transfer is possible using smart contracts. In the Shivom project, security is at the heart of the matter. That's why it uses block chains. They will not allow hackers to obtain personal information from project participants. Shivom is an excellent example of how wide opportunities open up in modern medicine through Blockchain technology.

The company Shivom managed to find a number of problems that are closely related to human genomes. The creators of the Shivom project found solutions to the problems of genomes in the use of the already well-known technology of blockade. Also in their project, they found a suitable application for cloud computing, artificial intelligence and many other unique technologies. Modern technologies allow scientists to study genomes so deeply that the information obtained can be used to develop drugs for various diseases.

With the Shivom project, researchers from around the world can easily use the DNA information of a huge number of people to create a more effective and reliable method of treatment. Having information about human genomes, you can choose the most correct and balanced treatment. The system of operation of the project with users is very simple. It's enough for each user to go through a simple registration procedure to take advantage of all Shivom functions. In case a person has already undergone DNA analysis, he can upload this information into the project database. If the user has never undergone such a procedure, he can leave a request in Shivom, after which he will be offered to conduct DNA analysis at a distance. The complete set required for analysis will be sent to the user by mail. Then he will only have to collect saliva in a special mini-container, then send it to the Shivom laboratory. The results of the analysis will be entered into the database. These data are of particular interest because they can be the best source of information about the patient. Now doctors will be easier to develop medicines, as well as methods of treatment for a particular person. Information about the DNA of patients is of great importance for various pharmaceutical companies, private doctors, research laboratories and other organizations involved in health care.


Also, the great merit of the Shivom project is that DNA donors can now receive rewards. Previously, the provision of DNA data did not bring any income. The Shivom project will help donors get paid. The genome ecosystem, created in Shivom, will allow users to share information about DNA with those who really need it. DNA analyzes can be sold to different researchers. Each holder of the analysis can decide on who exactly he would like to sell data on the genome.
The company Shivom say that the project is designed for residents from all over the world. Even the inhabitants of African states can count on the fact that they will be able to obtain the results of analyzes of their own genomes using the Shivom platform. Shivom is a global project that will allow every inhabitant of the Earth to know the features of his own DNA. Already very soon Shivom can become a global DNA ecosystem and improve the quality of life throughout the world.

Team and partners of the Shivom project -

Partners Shivom.png

Funds Shivom.png


The sale of Shivom tokens starts on May 3, 2018. You can take part in the sale on the official website -

Token Shivom.png

Good luck!

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my address in bitcointalk:;u=912695!

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