Give the gift of penile circumcision training

Carve up more than just the holiday bird.

This season you can give the gift of do it yourself circumcision skills!

Feast your eyes on this...

photo - Amazon

Thats right folks! Get the dining room table cleared off fast this year! And before your favorite drunken uncle passes out in the living room, get him slicing and dicing on a fully realistic mock up of a young man's genitals. Make a event of it after a delicious holiday dinner! Who will be the best candidate to attempt the cruelest of cuts on junior's jewels before the evening is over?

Granny's cat petting skills probably won't hold a candle to an inebriated DIY plumber.

Dr Antony Lempert, chairman of the NSS’s secular medical forum, said: ‘We fear that the sale of this product may encourage unqualified practitioners to carry out unnecessary surgery on infants in non-clinical conditions, resulting in serious harm.’

Wait there's MORE! Maybe...

A circumcision training kit feared to encourage potentially deadly DIY surgery has been removed from Amazon.
The kit includes a model of a young boy’s genitals, with a dark or light-skinned dummy available, to perform a mock circumcision with a selection of scalpels.

So what can you say? I've already said way more than I had planned. It's too bad there isn't an affiliate fort his great product because I'd be all over it! Happy Holidays SteemIt!

Somewhere, deceased infomercial pitchman Billy Mays is smiling!


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