My countryside life - How to Make Sweet Potato Starch (传统手工制作红薯淀粉)

In our countryside, today I took some special images, I think many people certainly have not seen, the traditional hand-made sweet potato, Sweet potatoes washed in the water, with a knife to the sweet potato skin and rotten, or cut some of the cut with a knife, handle the sweet potatoes with a broken machine,
We have here hawker service, they took the machine to walk through the street, so it is convenient.
怎样制做红薯淀粉,在我们乡村,人们种植红薯主要用来制作红薯淀粉,今天我拍了一些特别的图像,我想许多人肯定没有见过,传统手工制作红薯淀粉,红薯从地里挖回来后,在水里洗干净,用刀把红薯皮和烂掉的,或者挖伤了部分用刀切掉, 处理好的红薯用机器打碎,我们这里有小贩上门服务,他们拉着机器走街串户,所以很方便.

The machine broke into the bucket after the bubble 2 days, the first 3 days with water washing, wash out the sweet potato starch, washed out of the powder is gray, which is the process
这是从地里挖回来的红薯,洗干净,机器打碎后放桶里泡2天,第3天开始用水洗, 洗出红薯淀粉,洗出的粉是灰色,这是处理过程

Gray sweet potato powder, dried to become white, which is good sweet potato starch

I use sweet potato starch fried dishes, fried sweet potato powder to use the rural stove, fat, oil, add a little onion even more incense

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