Oyster Mushrooms on Sugar Maple stump

A few pictures of oyster mushrooms fruiting on a sugar maple stump in our back yard. We inoculated the stump about 2 years ago and it gave its first flush last fall. You can see the holes where a bird or chipmunk pulled out the mycelium plugs.
We seen these last fall but forgot to pick them in time they still look good even after all winter. These pictures were only taken a few days ago.

This large stump was from a tree that had to be cut down it was still alive but was rotting half way up and was a safety concern.


We will be doing more of this stump culture on our farm as it seems to working out well. These stumps should give mushrooms for many years to come from what we understand. If you would like to see more about mushroom culture on our farm please leave a comment below.
Thanks for looking

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