6 Years Living on Solar Power is it Worth it? Let's Do the Math

 6 Years Living on Solar Power is it Worth it? Let's Do the Math. I have done the math for you and added it up. You can very easily scale up or down for larger or smaller solar systems. Example my system is almost 2 kilowatts and cost me about $2500.00 to install it myself and produced 5840 kilowatt hours of electricity in one year. 5 kilowatt system will cost around $5000.00 and produce about 14,000 kilowatt hours of electricity. From my figure you can go up 10,000 watt, 20,000 watt even 50,000 watt solar systems.

If you are still a little lost in your understanding of solar power cost and what they produce the video below will walk you threw the basics. Like showing what a kilowatt hour is, how to add up the power they produce and there cost what is the savings compared to your own power company. To end up with the amount is solar worth your time and money!

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