benefits of turmeric for health

Interesting Facts Of The Turmeric Plant

Turmeric plants contain kurkominoid compounds. Where this compound consists of curcumin, desmotoksikumin, and also bisdesmitoksikurkumin. In addition to curcuminoid compounds, turmeric also contains other beneficial substances such as essential oils, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Well now you should not hesitate to undergo treatment with turmeric therapy.

Because many also ulcer patients who recover after treatment with this herbal plant.

For those of you who want to make turmeric herb, here are the steps:

How To Make Turmeric Herb For Maag:

-Give about 2 to 3 turmeric rhizomes.

-Clean thoroughly clean, then you'll peel the skin.

- Turmeric that has been peeled.

-The turmeric pressure is to remove water.

-After that you drink the water produced from the feeling of turmeric is morning and evening on a regular basis so that healing runs optimally.

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