My Mother's Benefit from Home Steading [TAN-AG TREE (Kleinhovia Hospita) Naturally Cures Headache]


Since I was a child, I frequently saw my mother using Tan-ag leaves to cure her headache. Then, yesterday, I saw her again with this leaves on her forehead. I asked her if where did she get this natural cure method, then she told me that she got it from our grandmother, who is now in heaven. According to my mother, my Lola inherited this practice from his ancestors. Because of my willingness to know more and how to use this tan-ag leaves to cure a headache, I asked my mother to teach me the method. Then, I searched on the internet about this plant, but I only found two article with the same benefit my mother get from the leaves.

What is Tan-ag?


Tan-ag is a vast tree commonly known as a guest tree (Kleinhovia Hospita) is an evergreen, tropical tree native to Indonesia, Malaysia and other parts of tropical Asia. The tree grows from a minimum height of 8 to 15 meters. Its leaves look like a heart-shaped base with a pointed tip. It has an appealing pink colored flower and fruit which look like green baubles. The tree is known as a ''guest tree'' because it is a host to a batch of parasitic plant and distinguished guests like insects and lizards. It frequently grows near a body of waters like rivers and likes.

How to used Tan-ag as a Natural Cure for Headache?

(My mother's method)

1.. First, Look for a Tan-ag tree, and get freshly grown leaves - the one with slightly brown and yellow-green; like this one


2.. Then using a pestle or a clean hard object like the edge of the glass, pound the Tan-ag leaves a little until sticky liquid comes out. The purpose of this is to allow the leaves to stick to the skin of the forehead.


3.. Finally, put the pounded Tan-ag leaves on your forehead.

Based on my mother experienced and the result of using this leaves for how many years, I can say that this Tan-ag leaf has the power to cure a headache.

Want to know more about TAN-AG tree? Click links below.

Philippine Medicinal Plants
The Healing Power Of “Guest Tree” Commonly Known As “Tan-ag” In The Philippines

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