Walking with Grandma ~ Soft Sugar Cookies

Today was a day of chicken fun, baking, trampoline fun and some playdough crafting! It's super hot, today, so we didn't spend a lot of time out there! But, we did make sure the animals were watered, fed, loved and treated (as in watermelon pinata, spinach and wormy scratch treats)!

As soon as that was done, Miss Sophie was ready to get baking!

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@smylie2005 is working with her hubs, Danny, today...I'm keeping our Sophie entertained...or she's keeping me entertained! It's a symbiotic relationship! I like those!

Back in the late 70's/very early 80's, I did my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education, and then ran a home preschool, in southern California...my educational theory runs towards Montessori, with a touch of Piaget. Together, these make an educational philosophy that acknowledges a child's natural curiosity towards interaction with his/her environment. We believe that they can learn in this manner more efficiently than by the traditional 'we speak, you listen and memorize' method.

Our home isn't quite large enough to hold the individual stations that we see in a Montessori environment, but all are encompassed throughout the day, as counting intertwines with baking...and responsibility is learned through the feeding and care of the chickens and cats and plants. Sophie is quite the sculptress, and loves creating the most unusual face masks and headdresses for her animals! Her attention to detail is awesome, and her ability to concentrate on a single intricate task for an extended period of time is truly amazing! Okay, enough bragging, Granny!

Anyway, today, we are making Soft Sugar Cookies...better get moving, or she'll leave us in the dust!

Soft Sugar Cookies
1 cup room temperature, thoroughly softened, butter
1 cup granulated sugar
2.5 teaspoons vanilla
1/4 teaspoon almond extract (it lends an extra note to the simple cookie)
1 large egg
2.5 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon fine salt ( I used the pink Peruvian...It's what was in the salt cellar)
Your choice of sprinkles, optional

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The smile says, you better have your stuff together...we're moving on! This one's so quick, if you blink, you will miss it all! Ready?

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The thoroughly soft butter and sugar go into the mixer. Beat with the paddle attachment until fluffy. Add the egg and the extracts, beat for another 30 seconds. Scrape the sides, to make sure it's all been incorporated.

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We added in a cup or so of the flour, mixed on low...

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...and, yes! We DID make a mess! It's okay! I do it all the time! Add the rest of the dry ingredients, including the baking powder and salt. Mix on medium, just till it's blended.

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Next step is to dollop the cookies onto a parchment sheet on a cookie pan. Sophie learned 'parchment paper', and what it's for. I let her select the sprinkles, as the cookie choice was hers.

Sophie's got a mouth ulcer from biting her lip accidentally, and she thought the soft cookies would be best. I'm figuring she can pinch off the soft part and make it past the ouchie part!

The first batch, she sprinkled the fancies on. I tried to get her to dip the tops, but she didn't want to get her fingers messy! Whatever works, works...no biggie!

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Here, we learned that if you don't want to touch the sticky cookies, they bake up in balls, and don't spread out! Who'd have thought???

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So, the next batch, she decided to get her fingers in there! lololol These bake at 350 degrees Farenheit for10 to 11 minutes. You're not really looking for color, just a lightly tanned base, and that it sets up...which they did ! I let them cool on the cookie sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a rack.

And I didn't get a last picture of the cookies! But, here are some pics of her sculpting for the day!

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Mermaid Barbie struts the green carpet with this exquisite bodice design of royal purple playdough, handcrafted by Sophie, the Designer

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Mommy Dog wears a chic headdress that brings to mind the ancient Celtic cultures, in ancient times...also designed and handcrafted by Sophie.

And, with this, I will leave you for the evening, my friends! I'm watching my Princess, tomorrow, and will be getting ready for my side hustle to the side hustle...going to doggie/house sit for @cristinamuah, while they hit up the absolute beauty of Mexico. Everyone have a wonderful evening, and keep Steeming on!


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