Today's holistic health challenge

Alright, how is everyone? Doing okay? How are you feeling? How are you doing with your challenges? Anyone developing some healthier daily habits or at least giving them thought? The first step is acknowledging the need for change. Ok, Kids, I have a challenge for you that should be fairly easily accomplished...just GO Outside! Again with the studies! LOL... but they do suggest that humans may have started becoming less healthy when we stopped spending as much time outdoors. Some would say due to lack of sunshine or the whole vitamin D production thing and then others would suggest because we have separated from our natural ways and habitat and others would say less physical activity. You'll hear about seasonal affective disorder, a rise in suicide and mental health issues in the winter, and obviously the quote unquote cold and flu season so it would seem something is going on. Right?...Either way, many polls and or research does show that people who spend more time outdoors seem to be or report being happier and healthier. I mean many guided meditations and or quote unquote soothing sounds are nature sounds or have nature sounds playing in the background. Maybe it's a frequency thing. Maybe it's a smell/olfactory thing. Essential oils are made from nature...Who knows? I'm getting silly but you get my point. We may never know anything for sure. I certainly can't say these studies are 100 percent accurate but I do know I personally feel better when I spend time outside. Even if it is cold outside, maybe just go in little increments. Build a snowman with your kids perhaps. Shovel your drive. Sneak out and get that rotting foliage out of your flower bed that's been bugging you when you drive by your house. LOL. Just get some fresh air. If it's real bad out, maybe just bask in a window for a few. I suppose it may be better than nothing! Heck there are lamps for that these days😂 Research it. LOL. Anyhow, just get outdoors this weekend. Make excuses to do so. Make an outdoor to do list. Anything. Just get out there. Easy, right? Good job on all your hard work these last few weeks! Thank yourself for anything you have accomplished. You deserve it. Namaste, Amy💖

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