Things are great but its people that make the journey worthwhile.

Everyone has a dream
...Something they want.
....Something they can't afford
.....But wish they could.

I've been reading about some of those dreams in this weeks Hive Learner posting topic.
Some of the post I've been looking at: (sorry for all the tags...hope you don't get too mad...but I needed a sample of what people were asking for).

@quduus is hoping for a gaming laptop...or to travel to Europe. @klvnrex hopes for cellphone or computer @ugomarcel was wishing for a 100" OLED TV.

@nahaji01 was wishing for travel to a peaceful area for quiet vacation.
@les90 also wants to travel to Europe.
@mrenglish wants to travel to escape.
@marynn again get out of the country and see somewhere new.

@lightpen wants to start a business with his wife
....but got into debt getting married so has to work at it.
@eunice9200 wants to start a make-up artist business
@nkemakonam89 wants to start a water business
@sholex94 wants to get a job. So he can afford the other stuff he wants but didn't tell us :)
@nwothini is hoping to start a career as a nurse.

@george-dee wants to become self sufficient, work the land and help those around him.
...A desire I wholeheartedly ascribe to myself.

@protokkol wants a paid off house of his own. A stable place for family.
@graciousvic also wants land of her own.
@adaezeinchrist a house of her own
@vickoly also looking for a house ... or laptop ;)

Now if I keep reading all those dreams I'll never get my own one written down!

However, as you can see there is a theme that is starting to appear.

People want a place to call their own. Just look at all those people who want land.

People want a job to fill their needs. Just look at all those people who want to start a business, or finish their schooling, or have a laptop/cellphone for work

People want to travel for fun and escape. So many people feel trapped in their surroundings that they just want to get away for a while and see somewhere beautiful and quiet.

I am probably one of the oldest Hive Learner members and I started off with nothing. When I was young I scrounged in garbage cans looking for scrap to sell. My wife wasn't much better...she started by waking up early in the morning to sell vegetables door to door before going to school.

We both know about having nothing and working for more.
Now as we are looking at retirement.

We have a nice home. We have rental property. We have a nice vehicle.

I have had a gaming PC (Ryzen 7 with Nvidia 3080) and gaming laptop (Ryzen 5 with AMD 4600). Have a nice 58" TV.

I've even been lucky enough to travel a lot of places in the world. Typically we take a vacation each year.

However, I don't say any of that to brag or look own on anyone else's dream! I say it so you know I've had nothing and now have everything material that I want.

And something you may not know....

.... none if it matters by itself!

  • The cellphone is nothing unless you have someone to call.
  • The house is nothing without friends and family to share it.
  • Income from a job or business is great for money....but without friends and family to share that income with it is empty.
  • Travel is beautiful...but without friends or family to enjoy the experience with it is just intensely lonely
  • A beautiful wedding is nothing unless it is followed by a loving relationship for the rest of your life.

Please, for everyone who reads this and wants more....always remember the point of more is to enjoy it with others! Otherwise no material things will make you happy.

However in the spirit of the Hive Learners topic...what would I like but can't afford?

Might not exactly apply to me because it's not that I can't afford it, its that I can't have it.

I'll give you three vehicles that I'd love to have.

Source: Youtube

First: A teeny tiny sports car. It's actually inexpensive to buy and inexpensive to operate--plus I've read its really fun to drive. However, you can't buy them in Canada. Can't import them either. So as much fun as it would be to take to the autocross it will have go be on my list for a long time in the future....when they are old enough to be imported here.


How about a teeny tiny campervan? Most campervans are huge gas guzzling behemoths! They are impossible to park. Cost a huge amount of money or fuel to go places and really really expensive to maintain.

This little tiny campervan is just big enough to sleep in and go places. However, its good on gas and has enough comfort to enjoy a place when you get there. Also not that expensive for a mini home on wheels. Again, not allowed to import here to Canada.


This is a really weird looking vehicle.

Guess what. Also not available for sale or import to Canada. No matter how much I want it and can afford it...still can't get it.

Now I like this vehicle because:

  • it's an electric vehicle so very cheap to run.
  • 500km on a charge is awesome.
  • 200km/hr top speed is great.

But the really cool part of the vehicle is that you can recharge the battery by pedaling the vehicle.

Pedal the vehicle???

Yes. It has pedals connected to a generator so you can charge the internal batteries by pedaling while you drive. Because you are pedaling the vehicle it doesn't use a regular steering wheel, it uses a right and left arm lever to drive (I know it as tank steering).

Weird, right?

Sure you can plug it in. However, if I was enjoying nature somewhere far from everything I can just dedicate a bunch of my evening to pedaling the vehicle and recharging the battery.

Why is that awesome.

It has an accessory plug which means I can use the battery power to charge one of these


In short. I have a laptop, a portable fridge/freezer, an induction cookstove. I bring them along with me in the car wherever I go. I can plug them into the car/power box. In that way I can watch a movie, cool my drinks, heat my food, and go anywhere...just by pedalling my car.

How awesome is that.

Also useful at home if there is a power outage.

Now if I could merge that mini campervan and that weird looking Pedalcar together that would be truly exciting--especially with solar panels on the roof. Ahh.... I can dream.

In the end though, it doesn't matter how much freedom a vehicle like that would give. Without a wife or friend to share the ride with it just isn't worth anything..

Just like life. Enjoy the people you go through life with. Get the material things so you can enjoy your time with those people even more.

Thanks for reading.

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