Punk Backstories


Let's do some Punk backstories!

Got a favorite Punk? Let's hear their backstory.

Write a post featuring your favorite Punk that you own. Give it an interesting backstory and tag it with #punkstories & #hivepunks and I will check out every one!

Want some inspiration? Check out my story about Douglas Blanchard. He's a tough dude with a heart of gold.

Doug's Story

Try to keep your backstories to at least 300 words, 500 if you can manage it. I think this is best to allow for a captivating story.

Make sure you use the tags #punkstories & #hivepunks, feel free to drop a link in the comments to your post. If you do so, please use their image and name in your comment along with a link to your story.

I will be reaching out to other curators to keep an eye out for these stories to have a look.

Be creative!

I want some whacky stories, some stories that break my heart, and some that make me want to take over the world.

Please share your stories on social media using the tags #punkstories, #hivepunks, and #hive, let's make a little noise.

Thanks to @doze for the awesome animation used as the cover image of this post.

Don't forget to use the tags #nft & #pob for additional rewards.

I also made a channel in Blockhead Games Discord Server for #punkstories.

You can submit your stories to the Official Hive Punks Community.

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