Tell me the story of your favorite Punk, but in the meantime, meet Douglas

This is Douglas, Douglas Blanchard and he doesn't put up with much shit. He doesn't give much either, he just keeps to himself and does his job. He's a programmer for a big company called Initech.

He thinks most people are idiots, but keeps to himself hoping for a big payday.

Douglas is a ladies man, they all think he is a hot stud but he never gets any of their numbers. Douglas is still single, he works too hard and smells of pizza and beer. He's a man's man, and likes to hang out with the boys.

Deep down inside though, he wants something more. He wants to build the best VR video game ever built and not work with spreadsheets and banking software. He wants to build something with total immersion, where you can forget reality and just be you.

Sometimes he wonders if this is all there is, or is there something better around the corner. He is generally pretty pestimistic, but hopeful. His greatest achievement is beating Dark Souls while drunk. He tells everyone about it every time he is out. His favorite story is when Smough sat on him and he threw his controller through the window and hit an old lady crossing the street. He actually served 6 months in prison for assault for it.

Prison wasn't kind to Douglas, they made fun of him for all his blemishes, and he always got the bottom bunk. His bunkmate was some old dude that refused to take showers and would never flush the toilet.

Doug is set on turning his life around, he wants to find a good women to spend the rest of his life with and settle down and have 2.5 kids. He wants the simple pleasure of throwing the pig skin back and forth with a son or daughter and show someone how to beat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft.

Did you know Douglas one starred on a small TV show as a mugger. He tried to steal an old man's wallet but then got his ass beat from a 76 year old blackbelt going out for a walk by Old Bert's Tavern. Douglas really thought he could make it in the TV business but his agent doesn't return his calls.

Douglas doesn't talk about this, but he currently holds the high score in Q-Bert. He is really proud of this fact, but feels he would be too much of a braggart if he said it publicly.

Douglas once won a hot dog eating contest in Frankfurt. He competed against 49 other people while he was on vacation in Germany. He won after eating 69 hot dogs, later to pass out after he threw up on someone's baby.

Douglas is a really good friend though, he's always there when you need help with something and he can build anything if it is made out of wood.

You can find Douglas Blanchard on Hive Punks, in themarkymark's gallery.


Find your favorite punk and write a backstory, tag me and leave a comment below. I'll be checking them out over the next few days. Be creative!

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