EXODE game deploys in full this year - with a new Galactic News Network!

... have a seat, captain, and enjoy these news from our world in 2325!

I did have some fun making this!

You can also check our website and share your reaction on our discord!

Also remember DYGYCON 7 may still be live!
You can check it here!

Please note this is "gamified information": in 2325 the world gets destroyed, most certainly including the space federation.

  • You can share this public video everywhere!
  • Please note EXODE is in alpha.
  • EXODE sold all its alpha boosters, the only way to have them is from other players, or by waiting for WAX sale, or by checking a player guide and getting a referral code.
  • It only needs 10 USD to come and play!
  • Yes, there could be a different presentator in next episodes. Apologies for using myself for it while awaiting our new co-stars to come :)
  • I noticed a typo, as "teeth" do not need a "s". Sorry about that!
  • Some video cutscenes have been added for the fun of the situation!
  • Please share your reaction to this new content!

We use this setup to introduce current civilization items (such as corporation equipment you have access to), make a few jokes and have some fun with EXODE content.

Items which will be included in the next episode:

  • Information on the development of our game loop.

  • Information regarding Planet WAX and why it was delayed (apologies for that inconvience), why the game loop took priority, but also why we insist on continuing our deployment there.

Our roadmap:

We are now entirely focused on the development of our Away Teams game loop after handling several delays, the last one from the ongoing pandemic.

Our deployment will materialize in seven important steps:

1) The release of our Investigation missions, and their ingame report,

2) Access to Away Teams Step 2, our next deployment on game mechanics and presentation developed since November,

3) Accepting registration again to this challenge from new players, once it is improved and tested, when activating our big "Step 3": this step will allow players to reploy new decks for their planet!

4) Unlocking our Colonization Challenge next.

5) Refining EVAC and all our presentation, tutorials and explanation. And welcoming additional players from other blockchains at that time!

6) Testing our first Real season after a short test season.

7) And then activating BETA!


The beta will be huge: at this time we'll activate all possible growth!

This is our year. 2022 is going to be massive for EXODE.

Thank you again for your amazing patience!

More information about EXODE can also be found on our Discord, or multiple posts such as this one about our epic characters, or this trailer made by a fan, or this review or this one . A summary of latest posts and events is also here.

Also check @birdbeaksd for his regular news and giveaways!

See you soon in eXode!

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