Acquire your own gang in 2325 with EXODE new packs

EXODE new packs have arrived!
You can check more information about them right away on our website.

While we shared also some intel in a previous post we felt there were still a few questions remaining.

So, what is going on in Achea in 2325?
We are here to share some light!

Achea, or how to make your own future (if a short one)

This other version of the Achean Gang contract can be unlocked from the base one ; on conditions to be revealed later :)

There is a previous post here sharing a lot of information about EXODE factions.
We even detailed them again here when describing the faction power feature.

In 2325 the Federation spans dozens of worlds but every single one developed its own culture, business style and organizations.

Achea is one of numerous urban planets. It was, at one time, a major civilization hub. Yet it always hid "the other side": all the people forgotten by the system.

Following an increase in taxes, a drop in business and a few competing corporations eliminating some others, the 'shiny parts' of the city receded or were for some parts abandoned. What was left, however, was another culture of sorts.

The people casted aside grew in number, and they organized themselves better.
And in Achea, they developed not only a look, but a lifestyle, and the skills to go with it.


Achean gangs became known throughout the entire Federation. Members were recruited in gangs as youths, and for the luckiest reaching the adult age, life expectancy could still be shortened at the end of a gun of a jetbike.

Every day was a fight for their own survival.

Acheans have a tradition about mobile vehicles: they have these antigravity platforms, all sorts of jetbikes, but also loud, heavy engines, or modern sounding ones.


Not all their traditions involve violence ; other traditions include a new language based on runes - which they often use between themselves in darknets - but also a specific achean haircut, and all other signs of clothing, gang affiliation and trade.

Acheans do not exactly lack resources as many gangs are used by another bigger, stronger criminal power - the infamously known Syndicate. For that reason, there is some kind of synergy between Syndicate members and Acheans, with the later being employed by the former.

In Gameplay

The content unlocked by "Your Own Achean Gang" is a step into one of the most amazing features to come with beta.


Thanks to this new contract, you will be allowed to name your own Gang and customize its icon.
Like all contract packs, it will also drop cards every week.

These could be to nice elements already, but there is more!

Because the content your Achean Gang will best interact with will be Evacuation Missions.


Missions are challenges inviting all players to participate with their collection cards.

By placing cards into slots and determining a strategy players can increase their chances for a positive outcome and for specific events.

Missions have profiles: some missions will require you to commit cargo ships, or specific crew, or factions such as Drachians ; other missions will require you to commit Syndicate members or assets or Federal agents ; and other missions can accept any criminal ; and some can even require the use of some items you can only acquire as Legacy Rewards in your regular games.

Your Achean equipment be useful there ; but specific Missions will also arise on Achea itself as a new playground for your assets.

Your Gangs - for every pack can allow one - can combine their strength and engage for control of Achea in 2325, unlocking some emergency assets which could be usable for your real games - as long as you keep control of some specific areas on the planet. And nothing could be better than having Syndicate cards as well to support your Achean gangs.

We want missions to be very dynamic and complex in content but also make it so that it would be extremely easy to participate.

We can't share more here - for before we get to Evacuation Missions, we are working on deploying our next gameplay content in colonization.


If you want to acquire an Achean Gang, it's available here on our website.

The shop allows access to this pack in our beta presale as a reserved pack for 10 days; but it gives this access only if you are a former alpha player!

We will also share information about other contracts in new articles like this one.
It just needs some time but also to just deepen some of the essentials we have planned on every pack.

Game design receives as much bandwith as we can, but Fixolindos also has some role - starbase must always be fixed for some reason - and Devlindos works on our next gameplay release.

If you are interested in playing, know that the next version colonization - 0.30 - has received additions.

We plan to allow to set up your food policies and to allow a global way of handling rations.
I think you knew a bit about this.

But also to directly display youre beverages (you do have a Foodie Moddie for doing stuff!), choose your cantina place and to organize all new teams about preparing food, enforcing the rationing or just being service staff.

The Foodie-Moodie is like the embodiment of "makeshift technology with character".

Regarding teams we plan now to add a choice of specialty for your team when making them, if only for allowing you to organize them better (driving the player a bit more) and to access a subset of roles to better estimate who you should pick.

So we want to make the release a bit bigger but actually also much clearer.

I believe you have guessed:

  • Since you could already pick a habitat,
  • And soon a cantina and rations,
  • And picked in what team everyone works,

... you would have set up the base elements - sleeping, eating and working - to start a colonization loop later.

Yet, of course, there is one last thing to encounter: events.
Because there are ideally to be a lot of them! :)

Unfortunately I can't write more - there has been an amazing lot of passionate coding hours, desperate fixing, and exhilirating writing recently, and I plan to continue but night has come here since long.

I had to release this information fast - as our shop has already opened!
Sorry for typos here.

Please enjoy 2325 as much as you want, and if you are an alpha player, take the assets you fancy. We'll work hard to give them as much player value and features as we can!

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