Hive Fest talks and random selfies @ HiveFest 2022 Day 1

O.K ok so I fucked up the arrival time with HiveFest this year - I had to stop off in Amsterdam Central Starbucks to purchase my Splinterlands Gems at the very start of the presale..... had I not stopped off I would have been on le tube @ 20.00

Packs purchased I headed to my Bunk Hotel ! An hour away from the venue so after a quick French Wash I didn't get tbere until 21.40.

This didn't stop me from having several free beers and a few paid ones after and just a general catch up....

Until about 2.00 a.m. then a walk back to the hotel - got a csb after half way due to the rain.....

Not much to say about the bunk hotel - I just slept there for four hours and then back out aftet a shower for day 1 proper - which so far is best characterised as me lunching it out in a chair watching some talks and chatting during breaks...

The day started off with this loverly presentation from @arcange to the 5 IRL Fest attendees....

And then the talks started proper..... and I have to agree with @demotruck - Hive feels a little more together, a little more Corporate and yet still decentralised.

Lots of interesting stuff in the talks - highlights for me...

HF26 due October 12th.

Expect a shake up of RC costs - custom jsons going up!

Very excited about the Hive film coming up.....

Looks educational - the story of blockchain from the perspective of somone starting off with no knowledge!

And my favourite slide....

What a title!

And I even got to sit next to the legendary @slobberchops for a while!

So far so good - beer time!

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