Hivefest, here comes The Butt

Half way there now. 11 hour layover to go before final flight.
My journey had a surprise start to it. My plan had been to get up early on same day as my flight. But at 6:00 at night the night before my flight i found out that Guatemala was haveing protests all over the country. Roadblocks stopping traffic through fhe day. There was 2 roadblocks between me and the flight. So i had to hop into action.
Packed everything and left my house at 11 last night. Drove to the city through the night to avoid the roadblocks. Arrived at 2:30 am and stayed in one of those auto hotels…also known as love hotels, where you take your mistress to and pay by the hour. The kind of place you just hose down the beds after guests leave.
But all good, i was packed and ready for hivefest, no cum bucket hotel was gonna stop me 🤪

As you can see here, ive got my ping pong paddles and some balls, still hoping to find some pongers in Rosarita 🏓
Also brought some camera gear and portable sound studio, hoping to snag an interview or 2 🎙️

Now that the first leg of journey is done, i found a roach motel just outside of mexico city airport.
Had me some tasty enchiladas and now its time to pass out. 4 am alarm set. 😓 oof im not much of a morning person.
Sueños Lucidos mis amigos.
Nos vemos en #hivefest #roadtohivefest

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