Follow Friday: Positivity

The News

$HIVE has been staying above 30c all week. That may inspire some confidence, but we should not be complacent. We have to look for good signs and do what we can to help matters. I see people talking about a bull market, but I want to see $HIVE break away from other, lesser, blockchains.


@leofinance are onboarding lots of new people, but they will need support and guidance if they are to stick around. I can create lots of accounts that I have claimed, but I need to find people to do that for. I create some for my own use, but we need actual new people. We also need to get existing users to keep using Hive.

I have been watching some of the video from @hivefest. It was a smaller event than last time, but getting to Mexico will be a long journey for most people and money may be tight. I did see lots of people I have met at previous events.

@arcange has already built lots of cool stuff on this blockchain. He talked about a new mobile app for @hiveauth that you could use to log into Hive. You can do this with @hivekeychain, but this will be a simpler app with less features. That could make it more secure. He also has a new bot at @xfer that can manage your transfers whilst reducing risks from mistyping account names. He is looking to make the code available so that you can run it yourself.

@detlev has set up the @hiveelevator project to get people showing how they would pitch the concept of Hive.

@grampo was showing how you can set up an online shop with a Hive account.

Friday Follows

I tend to see the topics that are interesting to me, but we each have our own interests. This is why we need others publicising fellow users to build their following. You should not just be pushing your own content. I often post links to other profiles on Threads and Waves as well as doing these #FollowFriday posts.

  • As a guitarist I enjoy seeing what @meno is building. He has to be resourceful as he does not have easy access to some parts and materials.
  • I am also a drummer and enjoy the beats that @giampaolo19 puts out.
  • If you like comics then see what @arseniclullaby posts. He goes into a lot of detail about the craft of his work.
  • My friend @todayslight put up his first song recording in a while.
  • @nuthman just became a Hive witness. We should all vote for the witnesses who we think make Hive better. That is how we get a say in where it goes.


I think Hive is being represented at general crypto conferences. Please me know of any and I will share posts.

The End

Due to a busy weekend I may put the #BritList out a day early today. I have to run a script that takes a few hours to produce that. I am always looking for new people to add. I have been doing some posts that show general user number trends in other countries. I may try to do that more regularly. If anyone wants to produce something like I do for the UK then I can provide Python scripts to help with that.

Enjoy your weekend and Hive five!

The man behind: @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up

@proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos

#BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK

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