JIVE Talkin


We are here! JIVE!!!

I am so glad to have finally made it. And look, we even have a theme song and everything!

Although, to be honest, I much prefer my own little ditty that I spent many weeks both composing and recording for the platform. In truth, I was in on the secret before there was a secret.

And now I can unveil it.


This, ladies and gentlemen. This is what JIVE is all about. Empowering you, the content creator to get out there and JIVE!

You don't need to be a guitar god like me. You can be a normal Joe! Not a Justin though ssshhhhh, we don't say that word...

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and spread the word about JIVE!

As Buzz Lightyear might have said were he a techy geek, to WEB 3.0 and BEEEYYYOOONNND!

We have the community behind us this time. We simply cannot fail. We cannot be stopped. This is a new beginning for all of you ex-steemians, ex-weku'ians and whaleshare'rs.

OH, hang on. Someone is pinging me on the Discords...

Wait, what are they saying?

Hive...? HIVE???

Whatdya mean? Hive?

You mean it's not JIVE?

Oh bollocks.

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