Taking Mr. Pinmapple on a trip: Let's travel together #136 - Cheile Caprei (The Feneșului Gorges/Caprei Gorges)

Sometimes we all need a short trip to nature just to recharge our batteries, no matter if we visit the surroundings or discover new places, or simply get connected with the wilderness and stress-free our minds. And Cheile Caprei are definitely a good pick no matter what the season is!


When it comes to visiting Romania, most of the people probably heard about the beauties that Transylvania has to offer, and that's why many tourists decide to discover this part of the country before the others.
And I can't really judge anybody because while I've been here and there and seen a big part of my home country, my soul was always lost somewhere in Transylvania, which later on made me decide to move in Sibiu and find my real home.
So I totally agree with the people who fall in love with this part of the country, because so did I.
And then I thought about all those famous places full of tourists no matter what the season is, like the Bran's Castle (Dracula's Home), which is, of course, a great place to be visited by anyone, but Transylvania, and Romanita itself, has a bunch of more amazing places that worth to be discovered because they are barely known even by Romanians.
So this is what I'm going to do in my following posts - present lots of places discovered in Transylvania, which are not so known and who deserve a lot more attention from each one of us.

And how to do it better than having a virtual tourist with me in this adventure? :)

So here is this little guy, @pinmapple, who is basically led by the same team that made our journey on Steem a great one through their map where we could pin our travels so when someone gets to a specific country they will get to see the others' posts who already been there and what they can visit around. But now they are hosting a contest where we are going to take the role of a guide and make the trip a pleasant one for Mr. Pinmapple.


You can read more about this initiative and what are the rules to also take part HERE.

Before heading to the adventure, I'm going to present a few information about the place and where it is located so you make an idea of how to reach it and what's its story.
So through the many mountains Romania is proud to have, there is also Apuseni Mountains which has lots of rare and unique places in the world.
That's how Cheile Caprei, also known as Cheile Feneșului, represent one of the unknown natural reservations of the park.
This is actually a place that is not so known by tourists, but rather by the extreme sports fans which are seeking for natural stone walls close to perfection like the ones from these gorges.
The gorges can be found near the city called Zlatna and they have been formed by the river also called, Feneș.
This is why the main name of the gorges should be Cheile Feneșului, while the 2nd one was given after a while, due to the two natural columns located at the beginning of the gorges which measure a height of 67 meters and which are known as Pietrele Caprei. (EN: The Goat's Stones)


Now, after Mr. Pinmapple learned some new things about the story behind the name of this place, as well as where it is located and how it appeared, we can finally enjoy the view and the trip we are having together.

You don't need to walk too much until nature conquer you with its beauty, because the landscape is going to leave you speechless from the beginning of the gorges where you are welcomed by the two natural stones I told you about.
But don't believe that's all you can see on this place, because the length of Cheile Caprei is of 1,2km and with each step made you are going to discover a different face of nature, with incredibly tall stones, some smaller and more steepy ones, as well as different colours of the rocks which are composing them.
The limestone cliffs also represent the perfect place where you can find lots of rare plants that can only live in this kind of environment.
While at the beginning of this post I mentioned about how friendly the location is with alpinists and climbers, find out that there are also 7 caves that can be discovered and also a small waterfall created by the river which is still digging into the stones - a place where you can take a break and refresh yourself during a hot day of the summer.
A thing that might scare a little bit my tourist for today, Mr. Pinmapple, is that the gorges are part of a very wild environment which is surrounded by a forest that is home for lots of animals. Through many species, we remember: foxes, bears, deers, lynx, boars and black vipers.
But nothing bad is going to happen if you limit yourself on exploring just the path that is being crossed by the curious visitors every day, and don't get deep into the forest or places where you can't see human footprints.


The natural reservation covers a total surface of 110 hectares and the tallest peaks of it are pretty low compared to the other mountains of Romania - Dâmbău Peak (1369m) and Faţa Florii Peak (1329m).

The access can be made from the national road DN74 from Alba Iulia to Abrud and then follow the path to the village Feneş where a forest road come undone for a distance of 8km. There is a small part of the road which is paved but the rest of it is not finished yet and you'll need to either take a walk through the forest or go with the car until you reach the beginning of the gorges and you can admire them by foot.


These being said, I really hope it was a great journey to the mountains for the little Mr. Pinmapple who learned a few more things about Romania and what gems are hidden in Transylvania, as well as taking part in our pictures. And don't forget, there are going to be even more adventures from Transylvania, some incredible ones that I'm very excited to write about!





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