Yesterday my activity was in Banda Aceh, Tuesday, August 23, 2022

My activity yesterday was a picket work day at an Aceh privileged institution at the Aceh Nangroe Aceh Darussalam traditional assembly.
I took this photo yesterday with my leadership at the Aceh Customary Council in the field of Customs, only we in this field of customs will carry out the Aceh customs from the Aceh province together with the city districts throughout Aceh.
Once a week, we pick up routine activities at the office which has five fields in a day, one field must have a picket which is still active in the Aceh traditional assembly office. If there are people who visit from various parties and allied Malay customs and in this archipelago, we will strengthen the customary procedures for a prosperous and peaceful life with etiquette, starting from being calm in the village with the activities of the smallest individual group managing a safe and peaceful life. From generation to generation from our Indatu, from the movement, there are dead, traditional resams, which may be resam in other places but the goal remains the same for the good of a decent life, different depths, different fish, different fields of grasshoppers, that's an old saying that still appears to this day.
Our life order has been so good since the famous Sultan Iskandar Muda in the 16th century.
It is this rule that is carried out starting from the smallest community, a neat little community will become big and strong all the time. This is a little scratch yesterday of my activities.
Below I took yesterday in my city Banda Aceh, which has just recovered from the devastating shock of the tsunami a few years ago.
I also attached the photo.

Brothers and friends of Hevian, all where you are, if you have time to visit our city Banda Aceh, our togetherness in this beloved community based on blockchain hive continues to prosper.
This is a snippet of some of my photos in the city of Banda Aceh.

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