Tuesday afternoon in Alue Naga, the end of the Krueng Aceh River Estuary.

At the end of the Krueng Aceh river, many people are fishing while looking for fresh air in the afternoon with their families. The scenery is so beautiful, with the longest rays of sunset. The sea at the end of this river, Kampung Alue Naga is the coast of the Indian Ocean and also the island of Weh Sabang which is visible from a distance across there.

In the afternoon, many local visitors, students, and friends and also sitting alone on the riverbank under shady trees in the gentle beach breeze.

Many housewives also bring their children while eating snacks such as grilled meatballs on the banks of rivers and beautiful sea beaches with verdant mountains in the middle of the ocean.

This afternoon I went around the village of Tibang to the pedestrian bridge between the village of Tibang and Alue Naga. Until the other side, continue to the road on the banks of the Krueng Aceh river to the end of the Alue Naga village river, on the banks of the Krueng Aceh river many are sitting relaxed while enjoying the scenery and enjoying delicious snacks.

Hevian friends, wherever you are, Banda Aceh is the capital city of Aceh Province, at the very tip of the island of Sumatra and also the westernmost and has an island of Sabang which is the position of the zero kilometer point. From Sabang to Merauke.
Hevian friends, if you have the opportunity to visit, enjoy the natural atmosphere of the charm of marine tourism on the island of Sabang which has an island surrounded by oceans and towering mountains filled with various kinds of shady and green trees.

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