Rest at Mon kupi dapu Kaye Caleue and Laweung

The trip that took a day, made it fun for me to be able to see the diverse natural beauty with each area that was passed. This place is a coffee shop whose name is MON KUPI, I stopped for a while half way through. I see this place is environmentally friendly and has a comfortable place with satisfying good service.

This is a cool village, there are still many plants growing in every yard of the residents' houses, which looks like fresh green plants and is an old Tan who lives a long time.

In front of the MON KUPI stall, the water flows like a small river or a channel to irrigate water to the rice fields of the community, it is beautiful if this is arranged as a people's amusement park.
And here I see a coffee dish with a little food that has Acehnese tastes every time there is coffee in Aceh.

And a day later when I returned from Banda Aceh to Lhokseumawe on the way to the shore of the beautiful Laweueng sea, the view was very nice, I stopped for a short rest while enjoying a cup of coffee and delicious instant noodle pops when my stomach was empty.

Laweueng sea coast is a vast Indian Ocean directly adjacent to the Indian state.

It is amazingly beautiful the view of the sea and the beautiful winding road is good again.
The local community is now busy climbing up the hill to pick Jamblang fruits, which are still bearing a lot of fruit, the season for fruiting from August until the rainy season usually ends.

This area is still very clean, the air is natural, so the fresh air is a pleasant sunny morning. Fishermen are also seen on the high seas with boet boats and net boats catching fish in the sea. The comfortable atmosphere shows this area is a prosperous society.

All hevian friends, where you are, this is my fun trip even with my motorbike riding it. It doesn't feel like a journey that takes all day on the way to the destination. Hevian friends, if there is a period of adventure around the world, you can stop at Laweueng Aceh, Indonesia, which is beautiful with the charm of marine tourism on the shores of the Laweueng sea, the Indian Ocean.
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