One afternoon in Jabal antara.

Jabal Antara is a Hamlet from Village Alue Dua in Nisam Antara District, North Aceh Regency. This area has just developed after the completion of the KKA road through to Central Aceh Regency and Benar Meriah Regency. In the past, the people of Central Aceh and Benar Meriah Regency used to go through Bireuen Regency, which took longer to get there.
One afternoon while walking to the top of Gunung Salak I took some photos, what I saw was a beautiful and beautiful view.
On the day of his wedding to the top of Mount Salak, it was a bit foggy so the photo was not clear.
At the top of the salak mountain, it used to be quite haunted because of the noise from people who did not use the in8 road to Takengon City in Central Aceh. Today the road is crowded on the way to the top of Gunung Salak, especially on a holiday. This new tourist area has quite a lot of visitors, some of them go looking for a comfortable atmosphere by looking for freshly processed natural coffee from the Takengon coffee plantation that really tastes like Acehnese natural coffee.
Below are some photos attached as material for a scientific story, not a fictional story.

Hivean friends, where are you at the top of Gunung Salak, a cool natural tourist area because it has a lot of rainfall. For hivean friends who have time, visit the top of Gunung Salak.
Arrive at the freshwater lake area, which has a cool and comfortable atmosphere

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