The Real Scenario Of Dying From CoViD19


I was always listening to the news and it is really a dread situation regarding some facts about having to suffer from CoViD19. It is because when you get tested positive you will get quarantined, it is still okay if you are asymptomatic because at least you are not suffering.

But if you happen to needed a ventilator and there is none to be had, that is a problem. Even if you got hooked with the finest supportive medical care, you will not have your family get to visit you and that will add strain to your mental health, your thoughts and feelings. At isolation or in the hospital you are alone, on your own at your most vulnerable times of your life.

Supposed that that you needed support from your family you will never get one, you are just lucky enough if you have gadgets and there is a wifi in the hospital or care center where you are staying, at least you can get in touch with your family.


But usually if you are so sick and couldn't even get online, again you are on your own, if you die you will not be given to your family, you will not have a proper wake, heck you will not even embalmed. You will get sealed quickly into a body bag and within 12 hours you will go straight to the crematorium, your relatives will not even get to even see you until you are all but a pile of ashes in a plastic bag because they ran out of urns.

So listen to the government, observe physical distancing, always wear mask to avoid your saliva from spewing out the droplets when you talk and droplets from others from landing in your mouth, also wear protective gogles, keep clean, use rubbing alcohol, and freaking stay at home avoiding other people.

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