RE: Presenting Ideas vs. Imposing Your Opinions

It takes a lot of practice and self-awareness [and] It takes a lot of energy to be intentional in your parenting and homeschooling

So true! Hello @romeskie, I found your post thanks to this curation.

What I like to share is that I already observe the selection of a book or if and when it is read as an imposition. As a father with experience of Self-Directed Education, it is important to me to clearly emphasize and live my own opinions. Even by choosing book titles. But at the same time to be open to other opinions and inspirations. Because let's be honest, opinions are also disseminated in every book or medium and not so much experiences. Because experiences are gathered with the senses and not with words. And I immediately think of Jinan KB and his observations. But I didn't want to point that out. And so another thought can now emerge and develop.

Thanks for your inspiration. Have yourself a wonderful week!


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