Mother's Loving Advice

"Be careful, Bobby. Don't go out past the shallow area, and stay in sight of the lifeguard. Don't go back in the water for at least an hour after you have lunch, and -"

Bobby looked at his feet, and sighed deeply. "Mom, I promise I'll be careful! I've been to the beach tons of times."

Mom frowned. "I know, but I've always been here with you. This is your first time alone."

Bobby looked at the crowded beach, then at his mother's worried expression. "Don't worry, I'm not alone. My friends are alll here, and I recognize the lifeguard. It's Don Rollins from down the street."

Mom nodded. "I guess it's alright. I'll pick you up at four. I love you."

Bobby turned on his heel, calling out at the same time. "Love you too, Mom!"

He sprinted towards the busy beach, not giving her a chance to call him back for more instructions. "Finally! I thought I'd never get away," he panted as he stopped at the water's edge. He set his beach towel and lunch bag down, and sat.

After he caught his breath, he searched the crowd with his eyes. "Greg and Randy aren't here yet... I guess I'll go for a swim."

Bobby slowly walked out into the surf. "Ah! This cool water is perfect. I guess this might be one of the last hot days of the season."

As he lifted up his legs to float, he watched two young men swimming side by side. "Wow, they're fast! They're already hundreds of feet out. I wonder if I could swim faster if I get out where the waves aren't always trying to wash me back onto the beach."

He glanced at the lifeguard, whose binoculars seemed to be focused on the two young men. "I guess as long as I stay close enough to yell if I need help it's fine to go out just a little ways."

He began to kick, then he swam under, like he'd only practiced at the pool. "This is amazing! I wonder why I never did this before," he thought.

When he tired, he stopped to float. "This really is much easier than swimming close to shore! I must be hundreds of feet out, the people on the beach look like little dots."

"Uh oh. If Mom ever finds out, I'm sunk. I'll just enjoy being here for a few minutes, then go back. Greg and Randy are probably waiting for me."

Bobby did just that, then began to make his way back. "I think the tide's starting to go out. It's trying to push me away from shore, instead of pulling me back. I better kick harder, or I'll have to call for help. Then Mom is sure to hear about it. And that's hoping I can be heard."

He made progress, but it was very slow. "I don't know if I can make it. I'm getting really tired, and my lungs hurt. If I get back I'll never go that far out again unless I have someone with me!"

After what seemed like an eternity he began to flail, then flipped over to float. Immediately he began to drift further away from shore. He tried to use his arms to prevent it, but the shore became steadily smaller.

He sighed. "I guess I'm going to have to shout for help. I'll never be allowed to go here alone again..."

Somewhat refreshed, he turned over and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Help! Help! I need help!"

He studied the shore. "They're so small, I can't tell if anyone heard me. What if they didn't? I don't want to die!"

A minute later Bobby heard loud splashing coming from behind him. He ducked under the water in surprise, and came up spluttering.

He whirled, raising his right arm. "Huh?"

A young man was swimming a few feet away. "Whoa! We heard someone shout for help, are you okay?"

Bobby relaxed. "Yeah, I just came out too far. Sorry, I thought you were a shark or something. Can you please help me get back to shore?"

The young man nodded. "Sure. My name's Mike, by the way."

Bobby stuck his hand out. "I'm Bobby - and I'm glad to see you!"

"Hey Lee, come over here! I found out where the call for help came from," Mike shouted.

Soon a second young man joined them. "Maybe we can take turns towing him back?" Lee suggested.

Mike nodded. "I wish we had a rope or something."

Bobby grinned, and produced a small object from around his waist. "I have one. I was planning on using it to try to make a small raft out of driftwood."

Soon the three were making progress towards shore. "We're almost there!" Bobby shouted in joy, when he felt sand under his toes.

The two young men stopped. Mike handed Bobby the rope. "Want to go on by yourself? So there won't be a scene or anything..."

Bobby nodded. "How can I ever thank you?!?!"

The young men shook their heads. Mike grinned. "Just remember to always help those in need. Oh, and don't go out unprepared again. When I was your age, I did the same thing. A surfer gave me a ride to shore on his board. This is me paying it forward."

Bobby shook their hands, then they parted ways.

"Hey, Bobby!" shouted a tall, thin boy.

Bobby sat on his beach towel as the other boy ran over to him.

Bobby patted the towel next to him. "Hey Randy, I want you to meet my new swimming buddies."

Randy looked around. "Where are they?"

Bobby cupped his hands around his mouth. "Mike! Lee! Over here, there's someone I want you to meet."

Nobody came running. Bobby scanned the crowd, but the two tall figures were nowhere in sight. "Where could they have gone so fast?" he wondered.

Randy frowned. "Are you alright? I was watching you out there, and I didn't see anyone else. You were swimming pretty fast, but I think you went out too far. You could have been swept up in the outgoing tide."

Bobby's eyes went wide, then he composed himself. "They're a couple of guys I met earlier. And I wasn't out that far. I'm always careful."

Randy snorted. "Ha! You and careful go together like oil and water."

Bobby blushed. "Well I will be from now on," he thought to himself.

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