Three Fourths of the Way | Shook Chapter 24

Previous Part:
Sister Situation | Shook Chapter 23 Part 4

Dyan and half the Blue children are on the run. Maya and her sisters are in thier father's truck. The sun's only started to rise, and Mr. Blue has got a lot of suprises waiting for him...


Mr. Blue walked into the lobby feeling confused. He had woken up to a silent hotel room. His children had disappeared, leaving behind wrinkled bed sheets. All their book bags were gone, yet their suitcases were still in the room. Maybe they had gotten breakfast, or went to use the bathrooms all together. Mr. Blue would check the lobby and find out.

The small cafeteria was nearly empty save a couple of people getting coffee or grab and go foods. He turned to the woman putting little cereal containers on the food table.

“Hello, um, have you seen my kids? They all have blue hair, two girls, three boys?”

The woman looked up though her eyelids were still lowered. In a plain voice she replied, “Yeah, they were here, whispering and scheming about something. One girl stole all the breakfast muffins.” Her chin jabbed over to an empty wooden basket to the side of her. The front read ‘MUFFINS!’

Mr. Blue sighed. “Oh, god, what have they done now?”

Mrs. Blue was busy at the main counter when she noticed him.“Cobolt! There you are!”

“Lucy!? What are you doing here?” Mr. Blue’s face wrinkled.

“Looking for you and the kids. I just had to say goodbye one last time since I felt awful about how I left them before.” Mrs. Blue’s gaze fell to the ground.

“Well, the kids are missing! They weren’t in the room and a lady working here says they were here earlier and stole all the breakfast muffins!” Mr. Blue yelled.

“That can’t be. Me and True just saw Maya right outside!” Mrs. Blue tossed a hand to the glass doors.

Mr. Blue looked outside. “Well where are they?” he asked.

“Right out front, you can’t miss-” Mrs. Blue's mouth drifted open wider.

All they could see outside was Bear, who was busy jumping and bellowing like a maniac.

While Mom and Dad had been busy talking, Maya walked up the truck steps and unlocked the door the way she had seen Dad do a thousand times.

She sat in the driver's seat, which wheezed and deflated down. Behind the steering wheel was about a bajillion compass-shaped meters. There were hundreds of buttons and knobs beside the wheel and a stick shift to her left she’d have to reach out to touch. It was then when Maya realized she barely knew what she was doing. But if she turned back now, she’d surly be in a world to terror from her parents. They’d probably send her somewhere worse than boarding school.

Maya gulped and looked down at True. She looked so tiny from above, baby Teal took up nearly her whole width and was half her size. True looked up at her with big eyes. “What do we do now Maya?”

Maya fixed up her face to be determined. “Give me Teal and then I’ll open the door for you to get on the other side!

As Teal got handed to Maya, she looked all around scared. Maya prayed that Teal wouldn’t cry. Bear was staring at them from the front of the hotel, barking his throat soar and jumping occasionally. “Oh no Bear, don’t give us away,” Maya pleaded aloud.

“Drive away already! I wanna go get Dyan!” True whisper-yelled.

Maya wished they could leave right now! “We can’t, we’re waiting for-”


Royal was running down the sidewalk gripping the straps of her backpack, which looked stretched to the brim.

“Royal!” Maya smiled. Finally, they could get going! But just at that moment, she saw Mom and Dad walk over to the side of the hotel, kneeling beside Bear and examining him.

True gasped and pointed “Mom and Dad!”

“Oh no, Royal’s too late! We’ll have to leave without her! We have to get going!”

Before Maya could sike herself out of it, she shoved the key into the ignition at the back of the wheel and turned the key ¾’s of the way, just like Dad always did.

The meters began to light up and the compass hands began slowly sliding into place.

Then she turned the final stroke of the way. The truck stuttered than roared to life, making True gasp and all the sisters jump.

“Uh-hmp uh-hump!” Teal’s face crinkled up as her eyes began to fill with water.

“No-no-no not now Teal, don’t get fussy now!” Maya pleaded. “We’re almost out!” She handed Teal back to True in the passenger seat and took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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