Someone's Missing | Shook Chapter 25 Part 7

Previous Part:
Collision | Shook Chapter 25 Part 6

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Dyan screamed in horror as the trucks bounced and jostled from each other's force. The crash sounded like if a hundred shopping crashed into each other at the same time. Hundreds of ‘clinks’ were heard as glass flew out from the crash.

The trucks didn’t explode like Dyan thought they would, even with the fire smoking in the back of Mr. Blue’s truck.

Screaming and crying could be heard from a distance, some voices, that sounded familiar to Dyan.

Out of everything Dyan had just witnessed, one thing stood out to her.

Maya was nowhere to be found.

Dyan heard A high-pitched cry in the form of a hum. She focused on Bear, the huge, brown, furball that laid motionlessly beside her.

Her eyes widened, and she shook him. “Bear! Bear! Get up! Please, get up!”

Bear slowly lifted his head up to face her. His eyes and jowls were slouching more than usual, as if his lips were curved into a frown. Shakily, vibrating like he was cold, he got up. As soon as his front left paw hit the ground he squeaked and held it back up, the paw now dangling inches above the road.

The sight made Dyan’s vision go blurry with tears. “I’m sorry,” she said softly, her voice going wide.


On the highway, people were leaving their cars to see what was happening at the bridge. When the two trucks collided, a huge wave of screams and gasping erupted from them. Now they were looking at the children in the boat or the truck wreckage not too far ahead. The police tried their best to keep the herd of people behind the scene.

From a distance, the Blue children sat in the boat and looked on, some of their mouths hanging open. True let out long, loud wails and breathed hard between each one.

“There’s Dyan!” Navy pointed out to his siblings. “And there’s Bear!”

“But where’s Maya?” asked Azure as he sniffled and wiped his eyes.

The police made their way towards the children, some of them talking into their walkie-talkies.

Mr. Blue stomped the brakes and got out of the van, staring at the boat and the mess of police laying before him.

“KIDS!?” he yelled. Mrs. Blue echoed him, though her voice nearly gave away as she cried. She ran to the crash site. Mrs. Blue saw a space between two police cars and ran towards it when a policeman got right in front of her.

He spread his sleeve-covered arms out to his sides. “Sorry Ma'am, no one pass this spot.”

“My kids were in that truck!” Mrs. Blue wailed. She swiped at her teary eyes with her finger.

“Woah, woah, woah, calm down. We’ll see if-”

“No, we’ll see for ourselves!” Mr. Blue pushed him out of the way and he and Mrs. Blue ran to the huge orange boat where their children sat staring at the crash sight.

Mrs. Blue kneeled at her children and gave them the widest hug she could, then she went to the back of the boat and hugged all the kids she missed as well.

“Oh, my babies. I love y’all so much.” Mrs. Blue’s voice gave out into a whisper at the end of her sentence, and she squeezed her children tight.

“Ai, luv you too Mawm! I’m sawrree!” True wailed. She cried harder at seeing tears roll down her mother’s cheeks. True had never seen her mother cry.

“But… Mom… Maya didn’t…” Navy looked at the truck collision and back at his mother.

Mrs. Blue’s eyes widened and she looked over to the trucks she broke down completely. She began howling and crying, so loud some of the crowd began to look at her.

“Lucy, what happened?” Mr. Blue asked.

Mr. Blue, who had been checking each of his children for injuries put a hand on his wife’s back. Before Mrs. Blue could explain, they heard barking and turned back to the direction of the crash. Bear was barking at the trucks. Dyan was next to him, slowly bringing herself to a stand.

Bear jumped and tried to walk towards the trucks, but he used his bad paw, which made him whine and continue to bark.

“Is…Maya over there!? Is that why you’re barking?” Dyan asked the dog.

She looked back at where the police were. They had made some sort of fence across the highway with their SUV’s, and were making sure the growing crowd of people stayed behind that line.

The police with the orange hair noticed her. “Hey, you, c'mere! Get away from the crash site!”

“But Maya!” Dyan yelled.

“What!?” the police yelled back.

“But Maya is still over there!”

“Nah honey, your family is all right over here, c’mon!” the orange-haired police woman motioned her to walk over to the inflatable boat.

Even though she was scared out of her wits at what she might find in that crash, someone had to look for Maya, and if the police weren’t going to do it, she would.

Dyan turned to the trucks at the edge of the bridge and her heart beat against her ribs, loud and fast. She ran down the empty highway towards the trucks, dodging debri that had been flung this far out.

The police woman yelled after her. “Excuse me little girl, come away from the crash site! Step away from the…”

Dyan rolled her eyes and went further.

The police woman crossed her arms and sighed. “Does nobody listen to a cop in this family?” she said as she walked past Mr. Blue, who was watching Dyan and called after her.

“Dyan! Stay away from the truck! Don’t inhale that smoke, it could kill you!” he yelled but still, onwards Dyan went, even as the smell of smoke became dreadfully pungent.

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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