Dyan's Goodbye | Chapter 25 Part 10

Previous Part:
Confessions Of A Runaway | Shook Chapter 25 Part 9


“I’m the most sorry I’ve ever been in my entire life. I’m sorry for running away.” Maya said, her brown face was now a shade of red. “And for breaking your truck.”

“We all are,” Navy put a hand on Maya’s shoulder.

Maya frowned at him. “But you’re not the one who drove it off the interstate.”

“But we all were the ones who went along with you,” said Navy quietly. “I’m the oldest-”

“Uh, that title is shared with me!” Royal spoke up.

“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I should’ve known not to run away, and I should have shut your idea down right when you started to pack Azure’s book bag.” Navy unbuckled the water vest he was wearing and threw it aside.

Mr. Blue sighed. “Well, what matters is that you all are alive and okay. Thanks to Dyan.” Mr. Blue smiled at Dyan and stared into her eyes as he said. “Royal told us what you did. You’ve just saved eight lives today, not even including your own. There’s nothing I can do or say to express how thankful I am right now. You’re a special girl, Dyan.”

“You’re amazing. More amazing than any explorer I’ve ever read about.” Navy added.

“Every one of you are amazing to me,” said Mr. Blue. “More than you know.”

He then kneeled down with his arms out wide, and all of the Blue children ran and hugged their father.

Teal even reached out, and Mrs. Blue leaned her into the hug as well.

Dyan smiled at the huge crowd of Blue heads surrounding Mr. Blue. She noticed that slowly, like layers of paint strokes, the children’s hair colors started to strengthen, their shades of Blue becoming dark and vibrant again. Once again Maya’s hair was more vibrant than a crayon, and Navy’s curly hair was as deep a blue as the night sky.

Mr. Blue noticed Dyan staring at them, and opened his nearly full arm out. When Dyan kept on starting he made a come here motion with his hands until Dyan widened her eyes and pointed at herself.

“Yes! We’re all in this together!” Mr. Blue motioned again, this time more rapidly. Dyan ran to Mr. Blue and joined the hug. She felt a bunch of arms wrap around her, as she squeezed everyone tight. The hug felt good and warm against the chilly Maine air. Dyan looked down to see Bear weaving in between everyone’s legs, his bushy tail swiping anyone in its path.

The police came over and asked a tower of questions and checked the children for any major injuries. Besides some scratches on their skin, the children were fine. Bear on the other hand, would need a bit of medical attention, as one of his paws looked sprained.

As the day turned to afternoon and the sun lowered in the sky, Mr. Blue lead the family to the hippie van.

“Look!” Maya tapped Dyan’s shoulder and pointed back at a man with a potbelly and a cap, who was standing across the highway bridge next to the yellow tanker truck.

“I’m telling you it just zoomed down the highway! Well, actually, I had rushed off to the bathroom and forgot to turn my truck off, but because of the surge from the egg load it started heading off to the highway!” the capped man yelled.

While Maya laughed, Dyan frowned at him.

Madalia was busy talking to the police when she spotted Dyan and the Blue family. She immediately walked over and told everything that had happened that morning to Mr. and Mrs. Blue.

“And so I woke up and those three boys-” Madalia pointed to Navy, Azure, and Wild Yonder, “-We're already in my house!”

“I can’t imagine how surprising that must’ve been.” Mrs. Blue replied.

“Very, is all I can say! Anywho, now that I’ve found Dyan, I can take her right back to the house again. Though I don’t know if she’ll be staying long. They told me she was a runner, but I didn’t know she was this difficult!” Despite what she said, Madlia gave Dyan a smile, her hands clasped in front of her fluffy cotton sweater.

Dyan slumped. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Madalia.”

“Well, it’s all said and done now. Come’on. Let’s get back to the house before it gets too late.” Madalia turned in the direction of her car. After walking a short distance she noticed Dyan hadn’t followed.

Dyan frowned and her brow wrinkled. “Can I at least say goodbye to everyone?”

Madalia huffed, and looked at the Blue parents, who were looking back at her. “Alright, but make it quick. I’m going to turn on the car heat.”

Find out what happens next in the next part!

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Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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