A Sad Reality | Shook Chapter 19 Part 2

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Shook Chapter 19: The Confrontation

The Blue parents have found out the truth about what their children have been up to. And boy, do they have news for the family...

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“Wait! Don’t send them to boarding school because of me,” Dyan stood up.

“Yeah, this is beyond unfair!” Maya yelled.

“Maya, you better watch yourself,” Mr. Blue said in a deep voice that made Dyan shiver. Maya narrowed her eyes and her eyebrows twitched angrily.

“This isn’t just because of you Dyan. This is just one of many situations where the kids think they can just act up.” said Mrs. Blue looking angrily at all her children.

“Besides this, they also play video games in class, talking during school lessons,” She looked at Wild Yonder and Maya.

“Get into fights,” Mrs. Blue looked at Royal, who had glassy eyes.

“Argue with the teacher about her how she teaches,” Mrs. Blue looks at Navy, who looks away immediately. He mumbles, “If her teachings are inaccurate, why can’t I point that out?”

“Having tantrums,” Mrs. Blue eyes Azure, then looks at all of her children as a whole.“Should I continue?”

“No,” their voices chorus, with Maya’s being the snappiest.

“So I guess you’ll all be packing your bags. You’ve all got an interview to get into this school in two days,” Mr. Blue said, glancing at all of them.

“You already signed us up for that dumb school!? Uh! I hate you!” Maya yelled. Her eyes become really shiny and for a second Dyan thought Maya’s going to cry, but then her eyes darted back to the floor.

Mrs. Blue’s lip trembles after hearing this, and Mr. Blue's eyes drop from all his children.

True sniffles. She was already crying, shiny streams lining her face. “T-there’s a pre-K in b-boarding school!?”

“Oh, you won’t be going honey. This is your older siblings’ problem.” Mrs. Blue came and hugged True.

True’s face straightened out as she heard this. “So I’ll just be home...all alone?” True asked.

“Your siblings have a hard lesson to learn on honesty and discipline.” said Mr. Blue.

“Maybe next time you all will think twice about keeping a secret like that. And Dyan, I can’t believe it. How could you hide something like this from us?” Mrs. Blue asked.

I don’t know, I just really, REALLY liked you all, and I couldn’t fathom going back to moving all the time, Dyan thought in her head. She just couldn’t bring herself to answer with such a lame excuse out loud.

“Anyhow, pack your bags Dyan. You’ve got a long way to go.”

“What!?” Dyan’s jaw dropped.

“Miss Moleti came over last night to explain that in a few days time, a taxi will be here to pick you up and take you to Augusta, Maine, where your new foster home is.” Mr. Blue’s mouth was straight and his eyebrows square.

“NO! I can’t go there! I don’t want to leave you all! please! I like it here! This is the best place I’ve ever lived! You’re the best people I’ve ever known! Please, just send me to boarding school with the rest of them!” Dyan wailed.

“I’m sorry, Dyan, but we’re not your parents. We can’t make the government let you stay, and we can’t make legal decisions for you. You’re a foster kid, and you need a foster home.” said Mrs. Blue.

Any connections or safety Dyan felt from Mrs. Blue drained from her then. She now knew she really wasn’t close to Mrs. Blue at all, and probably never had been. Mrs. Blue had been nice enough to buy Dyan clothes, and make her feel cared about, but in reality, she was just another adult. A stranger with the ability to seem nice, but really didn’t care much about you.

A tear raced down Dyan’s cheek, and her lip trembled.

Mrs. Blue was still talking, but her voice sounded far and echoey, as if at the end of a tunnel. “We’ll bring up a bag for you to pack your stuff in-”

A wail left Dyan’s throat, a loud, belting one as if she had no self-control. She knew the end of that sentence. Soon all her stuff would be tied up in a trash bag, as if her life was trash. And she’d be sent away, never to see the Blue family again.

All the other children were staring at Dyan sadly with tears in their eyes, and Dyan couldn't take it.

Dyan ran upstairs. She stomped up the steps past Bear, who was lying in the hall whining. Before she even realized was in the girls room, scampered up the bunk-bed stairs and laid flat on her bed, her face pushed into a pillow.

Dyan felt bad, for this was Teal’s future pillow she was busy covering with snot and tears. But she couldn’t stop crying. “Why do I have to leave?” she whimpered and sniffled. “I FINALLY felt like I found the family I dreamed about!”

Then she had a thought that lit a streak of hope inside her. The Blue family were her characters weren’t they? Couldn’t she just write that they didn’t care about Miss Moleti and would keep her secret? But no, she couldn’t. Shook had already been published, and she didn’t have more than a couple empty notebook pages to write a new scene.

Maybe this was supposed to happen. After all, one of the foster kids Dyan had lived with said everything in life happens for a reason. Maybe now that she had published her book, the Blue family had no reason to exist, and so this was the universe’s way of pushing Dyan out of her storybook and back into the real world, where she was a lonely, scaredy foster kid.

I finished my book, and now they’re story is over. Maya and the rest of the Blue family will probably fade away once I’m gone, as if they were never really there, Dyan thought emptily. She cried harder.

Was the family truley real?

Find out what happens next in the next part!

New to Shook? You can find the chapter archive in this post.

Hey there! I’m Shila! I’ve loved books since I could read, and decided I would write books I wanted to see written for others! Check my children’s book Imagination on Amazon!

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