The War on Sirius B - Part 2 (Fiction)

The War on Sirius B 2 - 01 - Original Story by Krisz Rokk

She slammed the door and rushed out into the pouring rain. Her mind could not forget the last words Tony whispered in her ears while all the others were arguing about the upcoming bootcamp.

It’s been two decades since Marshall left the group and what once used to be an extraordinary facility has turned into a decadent place where fancy egos prevailed. Discipline, perseverance and respect were unknown ingredients to newcomers who participated in battles for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Is there really no one out there willing to question the decisions of the Grand Federation anymore?

She folded her hakama bringing back the memories of the good old times when her team joined Marshall to fight for the new galactic species that were banned from their home planet. It was a highly strategic fight which required sophisticated maneuvering techniques very few were familiar with. Marshall had an exquisite sense of intuition and his level of precision was admired by the board members of the federation.

Did they call him in?

“Bravery … How uncanny of me to think of it in times of great despair” murmured Vhal while closing the doors of her high-tech wardrobe that resembled a vertical operating table.

When turning around she saw Admiral DeverX approach her station.

“Captain Vhal, your team got decimated during the last battle. How do you intend to replace your squad? The Sirians won’t let you flee next time. Or maybe, you’re pushing the boundaries so that you can join the likes of your deserted Admiral friend Marshall? You better not give me a reason to ground you.


Vhal turned around and entered the playing field. Her team was training with the new laser swords that got shipped the night before from Lyra.

The Lyrians have used their teleporting capabilities to swipe the latest technologies from the Cougars who were well known in the galaxy for their sharp tech skills. The Lyrians were acting neutral in the war, however they didn’t shy away from sending battle ships and equipment to all parties involved.

“How long until the next fight, Captain?” someone shouted from across the field.

“We’re leaving tonight. Make sure the ships are ready to depart at 10 PM.” Vhal responded and closed the door behind her.

She headed to the elevators that took her upstairs for a quick rest. Once she was in her room, she swiped her left iris to bring up a private connection to Enik.

“They know about Marshall. I’m leaving tonight with four teams. The Lyrians were gracious enough to send me two new ships. Will report back after my meetup with the Council.”

The War on Sirius B - Part 2 - Original Story by Krisz Rokk

Facing the Council wasn’t an easy task. Without their approval, you weren’t allowed to attack another planet even if it meant retrieving territories that previously belonged to your species. It was up to Vhal to convince them that a new alliance with the Sirians would benefit the galaxy.

Understanding the interplanetary dynamics required a vast knowledge of space and more importantly, a deep comprehension of DNA structures across species.

“Captain Vhal, you may step forward. It’s been a while. What’s your request today?”

To be continued ...

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

If you missed the previous episodes ...

Creative art: AI-generated images by Daniela S. via Midjourney

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk

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