Taylor's Secret

brring! brring!

Taylor's phone rang harshly waking her up from her nap. She shoved her blanket and reached for her phone

"I know your secret" The caller said then hung up.

Taylor suddenly became restless. She tried to dial back the number but realized it was private. The voice was deep and croaky, and unfamiliar, it was nothing she had heard before. She was still lost in thoughts when her phone beeped with a message from an unknown number.

1988, In a dilapidated building in Moscow

The detail of the message sent shivers down her spine, it was a secret she had buried for years. If the public knew, it would damage her reputation and her ambition in her political pursuit. It wasn't her fault, but no one would believe her, they were all drunk. Maybe it was a setup she thought, but by who, she wasn't as wealthy as this and was only a lone girl walking the streets of Moscow.

"By all means, I'll protect my reputation," Taylor said.

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She searched her stores for the map to Konica, a place she had met Phoebe, the only person she had shared this secret with. She wasn't sure if Phoebe was still alive, but she was hoping to get information that would help her trace this man who aims to blackmail her before he ruins her life. She knew his mission was to drain her of all she ever worked for but she wouldn't let him succeed. Once again she read the text he had sent

A million dollars before July 30th or your secret would be made known to the world thou holy Taylor.

Her mind flashes back to that night she had met Maxwell, a renowned politician with dreams. She had thought he was an answer to her prayer, but became her nightmare. She regrets ever meeting him, she regrets the night in the dilapidated building. If only he hadn't made advances on her, they both would have been alive. The buzzing sound of her phone jerked her back to the present.

"Phoebe is still alive" The caller said.

"Help me get more details, I'm coming to Konica, I have just a few days before my fate is decided" Taylor said as she packed her luggages ready for a trip that would give her a shock of her life "


Watch out for the next chapter, coming soon…

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