Pirate World Boss Quest (Boss Turn 2)

With the loomin’ threat of HMS Boaty McCannonmonger seemingly stopp’d by the incapacitation of basically the entire ship and a major portion of her crew, including Captain Smith himself, the time was rife fer boardin’ parties and takin’ the massive vessel by force.

Note: This is not a player round.

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Most of the Deadman’s Bay Defense Force didn’t care much fer the trouble of ownin’ such a large ship, so after stoppin’ her dead in the water, they went back to The Salty Tavern to get drunk and duel. @miryam and @underground are in a race to the top of the leaderboard.

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Two intrepid freebooters saw opportunity in the stalled man o’ war, however:

@drlobes and his crew climbed aboard the enemy ship undetected. Unfortunately Sailor Pete’s peg leg stomped the deck too hard (it’s always Sailor Pete, I swear) and caught the attention of a lookout. @drlobes had the time to stop the alarms from bein’ sounded, but he was lookin’ the other way and didn’t see the unfortunate situation at hand (or hook, because, ye know, we be pirates and whatnot).

Meanwhile, @the.partisan.spy sent his sirens gifted by @battleaxe to try to seduce Captain Smith and convince him to hand over the ship peacefully. The sirens were just too dang sexy, and Smith was just too dang horny, and instead he just fell overboard and drowned in the briny depths. Everything didn’t necessarily go as @the.partisan.spy had planned, but HMS Boaty McCannonmonger is now missing a captain. Perfect timin’ to board!

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There will be two @piratedice rolls for this boss round, in the order that players took their actions:

  1. A roll for the lookout who caught @drlobes’ boardin’ party. -- He didn't catch the lookout in time to stop him from soundin' the alarms. Looks like more sailors will be comin' ta fight off the boardin' party next turn! At least they're shiverin' in their timbers thanks to the morale loss described below!
  2. A roll for the morale loss of the crew, caused by @the.partisan.spy. -- The enemy has taken a severe hit to their morale with the loss of their captain. Even the first mate be cowerin'.

Check the comments fer what happens.

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Catch up on last turn’s chaos here: https://steemit.com/hive-197918/@reverendrum/pirate-world-boss-quest-turn-2-finish-off-the-man-o-war-new-test-rule

And remember, newcomers always be welcome! Jump right on it, mateys! There be room fer everybody in Pirate World.

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Subscribe to the Pirate World community (https://beta.steemit.com/created/hive-197918)
fer quest updates and more.
Claim y'er very own ship while ye have time!

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Keep up with the story of Pirate World through the wonderful Tomes of @battleaxe here: https://steemit.com/hive-197918/@battleaxe/the-tome-of-pirate-world

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