My hive goals: Long and short term

Just like in every other aspect of life, people have set goals and hope to achieve them. The same can be said about hive. People set goals on hive and try to achieve those goals. I am not left out.

Source: Pexels

I will be discussing my hive goals, short term and long term. It's been less than a year since I joined hive. My short-term goal was to achieve a hive power of 500. To some, it might seem small, but I wanted to set a realistic goal. I wanted to set a target that I knew I could achieve with some effort.

Achieving 500 HP would be a big boost for me. I think it will signify a major milestone in my hive journey. I am currently at an HP of 220, and I am happy that I have gotten this far. I know that 500 HP is now closer than I thought.

In the long term, I want to achieve a hive power of at least 5,000. I have seen a lot of big accounts on hive and I admire them. These accounts have huge amounts of hp. They dedicated their time and effort to hive, and I must say, I want that for myself. I know that it won't be easy to grow my hive power to that extent, but I'm ready to try.

Another hive goal of mine is to accumulate HBD. For the short term, I am hoping to save up to 150 HBD. I am well aware that it would take a lot of effort and consistency to achieve it. Consistency is not so easy to maintain, but it is crucial.

For this short term, I think 150 HBD would be enough for me. It would be a reasonable achievement. It would also be an indication of how much I have worked on hive.

That feeling of accomplishment that comes with achieving things like this is second to none. It would even motivate me to work harder and achieve more, and this takes me to my long-term goal.

In the long term, I want to save up to 1000 HBD, at least. This would be a huge milestone for me. I'm not worried about the feasibility of achieving this. I know that I am capable of making it happen. I know 1000 HBD can seem like a lot, but I'm more than happy to accept the challenge. Sometimes, I love to challenge myself so that when I achieve what I want, the feeling of satisfaction will be more.

It is important that I clarify what I mean by short term and long term. By short term, I mean within a year. So I am hoping to achieve a hive power of 500 and save up to 150 HBD within a year.

On the other hand, when I say long term, I mean within the next two years. In other words, I hope to achieve a hive power of 5000 and save up to 1000 HBD within the next 2 years.

Like I mentioned earlier, I know that to achieve these goals of mine, I have to be consistent. I also know I have to improve myself consistently and work harder. These are all things that I am willing and happy to do.

Reaching my goals won't make me stop having ambitions. I believe that when I reach my goals, I will aim higher. There's no limit to how far I can aim.

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