Worship of the Architect, Biswa-karma

We, the indians, have a different god or goddess for every stuff in life. Everyone of them has specfic work to perform for us. We believe that without their blessings, we can't take a single step forward. Biswa-karma, the architect, is god of molding. Whoever connected to any kind of construction,builing or molding worships him.

Our family worships and celebrates Biswa-karma puja evey year. I would enjoy this practice in my childhood and still continues. My family got an small construction business. So, devotion to him is a obvious thing; otherwise he can take away his skilled hand from us. As, he gives us living , we keep continue praying him. Though scriptures say, Don't do any work to avail something. Keep doing good work, results will come automatically. But as a selfish nature human never follow the prescribed way.🤣

The celebration starts a day before the actual day of puja(worship). We have to buy an idol of him the previous night. Ohh! actually two idol of him. The little is for puja purpose and the big one for celebration purpose I guess, not sure. Let me share a couple of pictures.

[Fornt decoration] The lane is very narrow; no way to capture the entire view.

Here is he,The greatest Architect On Earth holding kite in one of his four hands.

[Worship articles]

[Fire Yajna]

The worship was completed early. Then time comes for kite-fight. The architect who hold a kite in his hand. He must love kite , I guess. I can just say about ours.People specially young boys play kite-fight. I too tried it a little bit as I do every year on the occassion. It was middle of the day and the sky was right above our head. Looking at the sky was difficult , yet I managed to get some pictures of boys flying kite.👇

The kites in the sky were flying high. Zoom in to get it traced.👆

Brother form neighbour holding a kite and ready to fly.👆

Thread holder for kite and we call it "Lathai" 👆

Kites are waiting to be flown.

It is very fun to see fight among the kites. I just flied one and didn't dare to take a fight. Brothers are expert to do it.. they played very good. I was them cut a few of them.

Then in the afternoon comes "The Feast" which last for long(till night). All the workers and their family are invited to celebrate the occasion. Neighbours and lith amd kin also join. There was a crowd of 150 approx present in the feast. Let's take look the dish.👇

The Ritual doesn't end here. Next day or after two days, we have throw the Idol in the water as Idol of every god is thrown away and we call in "Vassan". I'll share it next day if possble. Today was the day of worship and vassam comes next day.

Thanks for visiting

Regards: @th4488
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