I, Me & Myself

Namaste dosto(friends), I wish you all a great health and super great mental health.


In my almost every post I've shared some thoughts about every situation and people. I can efficiently say I think alot and I'm mostly with my inner self thinking and imaging myself in a situation and being calculative. For me this attitude has so far been good and thru my calculative measures I've always been my true self risk prone.


But lately this thinking game is not working for me as I'm getting deeply affected by my loss or any problems. It is now haunting me by making me caught up in all my mind and not really gelling and enjoy my right self.


So to get ahold of that, I got ahold of a statement said my my dear neighbor stating, "there's alot of reasons to be sad, but not so much for being happy" from next time onwards whensoever i start overthinking I just repeat this same statement and clear my head.

This statement and this thought has really been very helpful to me and I just wanted to share this with everyone, for the betterment of everyone's mental health. This basically is an exercise and helps to calm our rushing mind helps to relax and enjoy.

Now I've another issue which I think some day, someone will resolve in a heartbeat, that is, If I'm not going to be sad and process my mind thru the pain, how am I going to get beyond any pain and the second one is, If I just be myself will people consider me heartless if I don't lose calm in problematic situations.


This is me signing off for today, hope you'al will find this post useful. I've also attached some eye pleasing pictures to look at while reading my post.
Take care.

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