Inspired to inspire: A reflection of my life

One thing I am thankful for in life, is the gift of men. Not like I have them so many but the few that surrounds me has indeed inspired me alot to be a better version of myself. Unknown to some that they've even inspired me some are aware because after their advice I always come back to thank them how their words of wisdom has shape me.

From my teen, I was this hot tempered girl but yet lovable and fun to be with. like does it even make any sense? But that's me for sure. This same attitude followed me up to when I was about steeping into adulthood but yet all my old friends didn't even bother to call my attention to it. You know their are sometimes we do stuffs and we think is the right thing but the ones around us would be the one to point out our errors and correct us with love.

After some years, we moved to a new location and I met new people which equal to new friends. At first everything was going on smoothly but then whenever someone stepped on my toes I ensure I gave them a piece of their own share of cake like I was this know nonsense girl. Unknown to me I thought I was fighting for myself so nobody would look down on me not knowing I was gradually sending away the people that care about me. So this particular day Sharon my friend said something that hurt me and out of anger I said somethings to her to defend myself but then my words pierced through her bone marrow and she began to cry. After that incident one of the girls called me and spoke to me at length, pointing out my wrongs and said I was over reacting over every issue which is not healthy for me. She pointed out incident that happened that I was supposed to over look but then I decided not to let go.

After that day I was inspired by my friend and I began to work on myself before it went out of hand because I have seen people who just because of anger has destroyed so many beautiful things in their life and I didn't want that to happen to me as well.
My life took a new turn and I learned to walk away when ever am hurt not because am weak but the best way to live a free and simple life is to be silent sometimes. It's been over five years ever since my good friend inspired me and I can proudly say I really enjoy it now. not just that I also get to talk to few ladies who are having hot tempered issues and I have seen tremendous changes in their life so in essence, I was inspired to be an inspiration to others.

Both images are mine

Writing was inspired by the #Indiaunited community, do well to check out this amazing prompt by clicking on the contest announcement

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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