Changes: Bro Bang Version 0.8.31 Published | The update we ALL waited for (I assume)...


This is a major update and because the things which I was able to fix had such an impact, I really assume that many Bro Bang players waited for this.

• Much more fluid code processing = less jittering
I cleaned up some code which brought the game to a state where is almost no jittering during gameplay. (I don't want to say there is NO jittering, because:) This depends a little on your computer, too (how fast he is), but in general I assume you should notice a clear difference, like I do.

• Problems with pick up a hammer/weapon solved
There was a unintentional behavior in combination with picking up hammers/weapons. This is solved now. @lorddiablo, recognize this.

• Hammers/weapons can't fall from the hand
It was able that a hammer felt out of the hand when the (invisible) hit point was over the hammer, in combination with a click. There was some code which was written double, I recognized that, checked the mechanics and the code logic says that this shouldn't be able any longer. (@flauwy, sounds great, right?)

• Fullscreen button doesn't trigger the camera
This was because the raycast (determines what is clicked in the room) wasn't blocked by the UI. The UI still doesn't block raycasts, but I removed the trigger on the wall behind. So this is not a perfect solution, but fixes the problem. Not you can enter (or leave) the full screen without that a camera movement is triggered. (@raymondspeaks, of course I understood why you didn't played full screen in your video ;-) )

• Toolbox removed from right of the machine to the shop section of the room
You ask yourself where the axe, the carpenter hammer and the crowbar is? Answer is: in the left section of the room. To reach this section of the room, just click on the "Shop" sign. To go back to the gaming machine, just click on the machine. (@all: choose your weapons wise! One for the left mouse button, one for the right one and combine your hit with W/A/S/D on your keyboard!)

• Slower pin movement. Maximum pin speed is 0.2 seconds now, instead of maximum 0.1.
The movement speed of the pins increase during gaming, regulated by the amount of hits the player made. Before this increase up to a speed 0f 0.1 seconds for the whole travel way, which brought two effects:
A) it could happen that when the player retracted his hammer a new zombie pin has spawned in a position where the hammer is swinging by on its way back to the rest position. This had pro and cons.
B) Pin spawn waves was very hard to hit and some players decide to skip these waves completely. But as game maker I would prefer a situation where you think you can hit pins within a wave and try it, instead of skipping it and wait for the forced pin waves (which happen as soon as you did not hit pins within 5 spawn waves)
C) With this I was able to remove 95 lines of code. This is always good on my mission to make the code more slim. Not only because of less rows of code, but especially because of the need to check less if/else cases. May not be a huge impact, but is one step more in the right direction.

You ask yourself why Bro Bang Version 0.8.30 was skipped? Don't worry about... V 0.8.30 was part of my internal process. But because I didn't liked to stop with improvements on this point/work session, I did further edits on the next version (0.8.31). And if I should mess things within this, I could rewind to V 0.8.30. You understand? But because the edits/steps within 0.8.31 went good, I skip publishing of 0.8.30. I do this sometimes - so don't worry about if the public versioning jumps one or two numbers sometimes.

Do you have any questions? Have you discovered any bug or sub-prime behavior? Report it - and I'll reward your report. As well as constructive criticism.

Greetings from Paraguay!

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