ULTIMATE SQM DISCOUND SALE! Grab Your Rewards! Just 48 Hours, Once Per Person! DON'T MISS IT!


Friends, supporters, future homeowners and Hivians! As you expected: This is the last SQM Special Sale.

At this point I would also like to express my thanks. Not only did the sale of SQM help the privately pre-funded project tremendously in avoiding the starvation of the team. We also received a lot of feedback and were able to talk to you about your ideas and get to know your wishes.

Thank you so much! We look forward to moving into the design phase of the plots with you in the coming weeks. Instead of the SQM Special Sales, we will now always advertise plots, examples and their possibilities on Fridays.

With the regular sale of the plots I would like to wait a few more days, because we want to finish the golden CCDPACKs first, before we launch the next product. Because this is also eagerly awaited. If you definitely don't want to or can't wait to buy a plot, then solutions can certainly be found for that. Also various partner projects have already got hold of their integration or a plot of land.

Because we have already been asked: Yes, there will still be SQM on the market, but no more Discount Sale. No, currently we are not planning another SQM Discount Sale for the future.

So use this last opportunity and grab your SQM! (And since you also get CCPower (Info about CCP) for SQM, the discount is even kinda doubled!)

This is what you can expect in this post:
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