Junior y Loto [Esp-Eng]


Buenas noches mis queridos amigos y lectores de Liketu y Hive!
Hoy comparto otras bellas imagenes y recuerdos de mis mascotas. Esas que me hicieron muy feliz en mi adolescencia 🥰.
En esta oportunidad les toca conocer a dos miembros mas de los 4 mosqueteros que en su momento tuve en mi casa. Uno es Junior (siames) y el otro es Loto (naranja atigrado).

El siames como les habia contado en otra oportunidad, llego de casualidad hasta casa. En ese entonces teniamos 3 gatos y como aparecio en la puerta de mi casa, lo metieron adentro a dormir en una habitacion que teniamos, esperando al otro dia para preguntar a los vecinos si se les habia perdido el gatito. Como nadie lo reclamo, le hicimos lugar en la familia y lo adoptamos 🥰.

Junior tenia la punta de la colita quebrada, lo que le hacia unico!. Parecia una flecha en vez de una cola. Fue muy amigo de Paco y aunque se llevaba bien con los demas, el preferido y hermano mayor de el termino siendo Paco. Tambien como se puede ver en las fotos se llevaba muy bien con mi rottweiler Tyson.

El gato naranja atigrado era mi gato. Se llamaba Loto y era lo mas dulce del mundo!!!. Siempre suave, jugaba muy despacito. Nunca me mostro las uñas ni me araño. El dormia conmigo y se llevaba bien con el gato de mi hermana. Una curiosidad de Loto es que salio al patio por primera vez a los 13 años!!!. Le tenia mucho miedo al exterior. Siempre miraba todo desde la comodidad de mi habitacion por la ventana. Solo una vez logre verlo en el jardin y fue por unos minutos. Era un gato muy de la casa. Jamas en los techos ni paredes de los vecinos como mi actual gato Bartolo al cual todos los dias tengo que ir a buscarlo 😒.

Good evening my dear friends and readers of Liketu and Hive!
Today I share other beautiful images and memories of my pets. Those that made me very happy in my adolescence 🥰.
On this occasion they have to meet two more members of the 4 musketeers that I once had in my house. One is Junior (Siamese) and the other is Lotus (orange brindle).

The Siamese, as I had told you on another occasion, arrived home by chance. At that time we had 3 cats and when he appeared at the door of my house, they took him inside to sleep in a room we had, waiting the next day to ask the neighbors if they had lost the kitten. Since no one claimed him, we made room for him in the family and adopted him 🥰.

Junior had the tip of his tail broken, which made him unique! He looked like an arrow instead of a tail. He was a very good friend of Paco and although he got along well with the others, his favorite and older brother ended up being Paco. Also as you can see in the photos he got along very well with my Rottweiler Tyson.

The orange tabby was my cat. His name was Loto and he was the sweetest thing in the world!!! Always soft, he played very slowly. He never showed his nails to me or scratched me. He slept with me and got along with my sister's cat. A curiosity about Loto is that he went out to the patio for the first time when he was 13 years old!!! He was very afraid of the outside. He always watched everything from the comfort of my room through the window. I only managed to see him once in the garden and it was for a few minutes. He was a very house cat. He is never on the neighbors' ceilings or walls like my current cat Bartolo, whom I have to go look for every day 😒.

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