My Beautiful Pet Animals ๐Ÿ˜

Hello Pet Animal lovers friends how are you all. I am Sahitya Ray again with a wonderful post among you๐Ÿ˜Š. Today I will share some pictures of my Pet Animals.So let's start today's post.

Pets are a type of animal or bird. I have pets. This is a cat. We call him Tiger because he is a very brave cat who never misses a prey from him. He is my favorite lately. He has been torturing rats in our house lately. He is cutting my books, notebooks, clothes, etc. But my Tiger has already killed all the rats. I said no victim ever gets out of his hands. He looks like a small tiger. It has four legs, two eyes, two short ears and a long tail. It has a round head. Its nails are sharp. It has soft pads under the feet. So it can walk without any sound.

Its body is covered with soft hair. Cats are fond of milk. It eats rice, fish, meat, bread etc. It kills rats, rats etc. and keeps our house free from them. It is very good in nature. It is clean and tidy. In fact, it is very useful for us. Everyone in our family likes my pussy. Itโ€™s like a member of our family. I like it very much. I take care of my tiger I never hurt him he always stays with me sleeping at my side at night. Now most of the cats are kept in Bangladesh, I forgot to mention my home is in Bangladesh. Almost everyone here has pets in their house. In my house there are cats as well as lovebirds, pheasants, storks,
Lovebirds are much smaller in size and much nicer to look at. They have to take a lot of care to see that their skin color looks amazing. When it is time for them to lay their eggs, they have to put a small pot inside the cage and put something soft inside the pot so that they can lay their eggs. Shalik and Tia are famous birds for talking. The people of Bangladesh are more fond of these two birds. Everybody is fond of Shalik birds in the village and because of the high price of Tia bird, people in urban areas usually feed it more. Tia bird is nice to see. They have big tails and their lips look amazing. They can speak human language and even storks can speak human language and can give whistles.
Lastly, pets are very trustworthy, but they are never deceived by their own people.





My Pet Animal Cat (Tiger)๐Ÿ˜





My Pet Bird's (love bird's)

Pet Bird Tiya๐Ÿ˜

My pet Bird Shalik๐Ÿ˜

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